Tuesday, January 25, 2011

James Blunt Backstage

Marea Nera In Sardegna

A trail of tar-kilometer-long, environmental disaster in Platamona

Ten thousand gallons of fuel oil coated the shoreline of Platamona (Sassari). A long black trail, the third "comb" is up to sixth, almost to the limit of the Navy Sorso. Final Act of the accident happened Tuesday night at the pier E. On, Esmeralda, where the tanker had just finished downloading the old oil for food production groups 1 and 2. The incident involved one of the pipes that carry fuel from the shore deposits of termocentrale. The duct, buried in concrete, is leaking oil it first invaded the platform and then ended up in the sea. At first there was talk of a "small quantity", but the appearance of beaches tells another story. And actually the Master has quantified the loss in 10 cubic meters (photo Mauro Chessa and Andrea Sini) Read the article
[January 14, 2011]

oil slick in Sardinia

. Stampa subito 30 foto gratis! . In Sardinia

wave heating oil flooded an extensive coastline near Porto Torres, on the northwest coast of the island. Although details are scarce and contradictory, it seems that the large fuel spillage occurred during refueling of the power plant of E.on Porto Torres. According to official figures of an early release of 18,000 liters and at least a second loss of the higher dimensions, but it is suspected that the amount of fuel oil is much higher than the stated amount.
Sea Shepherd is on the spot with both the voluntary group Sardo, both volunteers arrived from Rome. The offer of cooperation with the authorities to provide volunteers to clean the coast was cut short by the institutions on the grounds that it is highly carcinogenic substance to handle, but without providing any data on the quantities of material poured into the environment, and on ' extension of the disaster. Well, so we have a large patch of fuel carcinogen a zonzo per i cristallini mari del nord della Sardegna pericoloso per chi ne venga a contatto, ma non vengono divulgati i dati su dove sia con precisione e quanto grande sia. Per non mettere a rischio la prossima stagione turistica le notizie ai media vengono messe a tacere, e sui giornali e nei telegiornali non se ne parla.

La deduzione è semplice: per non rovinare le vacanze ai turisti, si lascia che l'olio combustibile penetri nella fascia litoranea di sabbia, soffochi le forme marine, e sia tranquillamente a contatto con chi vive e frequenta la zona. Meglio lasciare che le sostanze cancerogene entrino nei nostri organismi piuttosto che mettere a rischio gli affari degli alberghi e delle pizzerie della zona.

Questa is the situation: the "welfare" can not be disturbed by an environmental disaster, especially if this environmental disaster is cleared by a glass ceiling. So then who will remember this disaster when between 10-20 years there will be a rise in cancer cases in the population? Fortunately
all environmental associations are fighting together with the common goal of doing something concrete, to send volunteers to help clean the shores and collect pollutants. In that regard, a public email that has come to Sea Shepherd by a group of local volunteers, indicating that the desire to do something has not been stifled by the wall of censorship that surrounds this issue. Together we can defeat the censors that prevent us from making positive action for our planet, and more specifically, for one of the most enchanting corners of the Mediterranean.

Gent.le Seasheperd

write from Sardinia, where we are in plane emergency oil spill, the media spread the news or minimize, but the situation is very serious. The substance is invading the coasts inimaginabili creating havoc, you can not intervene, we have no means or aid the company in charge of the reclamation or not adequately monitored and cord, is causing more harm than good, it is very difficult to take the substance sticks everywhere and expands, togliendola si rischia di contaminare il resto, perché non é né solida né liquida, è appiccicosa e invade tutto, noi volontari siamo pochissimi, e non abbiamo attrezzature adeguate.

Comune, Protezione Civile, associazioni ambientaliste coinvolte non agiscono adeguatamente e non sanno cordinare né la società adetta alla bonifica né noi volontari. La marea nera è arrivata fino alle bocche di Bonifacio, minacciando il paradiso dei cetacei e le colonie di gabbiani corsi, la sabbia viene buttata a palate nelle buste di spazzatura, spogliando i litorali, e le bianche coste sono ormai nere. Vi prego di non ignorare questa mail e di risponderci, abbiamo bisogno davvero urgente need advice and help. I hope you answer me, is a desperate request for help from a group of volunteers who love their land, the coast and its animals that are likely to die under a black monster.
Thank you I really hope to hear from you.

Roberta Soru and volunteers Tempio


. Anche le cose sognano.. Regenesi .


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