Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Discarica e rifiuti ci hanno fatto ricchi, la storia di Mariana , Mantova

landfill and waste made us rich,

history of Mariana,

Mantua. Stampa subito 30 foto gratis! .

A Mariana, in the province of Mantua, the waste is a resource. I'm the one hundred thousand tons of garbage that comes every year from across the province after being selected in the first composting plant. For every ton of municipal solid waste are paid 13 euro to the city by the municipal Tea (Territory energy and environment). If the issue in Campania "rubbish" has sparked the urban guerrilla warfare, the 732 residents of Mariana has brought benefits. The mayor says Angelo Rosa satisfied: "If there was a landfill, as a municipality we would bankruptcy fifteen years ago. "
The landfill is a pile of earth "is used to cover the waste discharged from the truck - says the first DC mayor first-pass and then Margaret compactors with sprockets, and after all this is covered with clay. You see, we are so fast that even the seagulls do not find anything to eat. We see someone in a while. You must use your head. If you think, even the most serious problems are resolved. I of Naples as a bit 'I understand them. In any emergency, some say to fix everything and instead does not solve anything. But even they must change their head: they can not continue to say the landfill is to be done, but not here from us. It takes planning and consensus. " Also managed to sell
Mariana urban areas to 30 euro per square meter, unlike the common side that sells for 200 €. Young people and even fewer who decide to live there when they marry receives 750 euro: the first son born to receive € 500 for other children the "premium" goes up to € 1000. When they start school, the family has a bonus of 500 euro per year, for kindergarten do not pay.
"We bought and renovated a house. We obtained nine very well-kept apartments, we rent to those in need Ninety € per month. And then we built the bowling club, we are preparing the gym ... I mean, up to fifteen years ago in danger of disappearing, we were down only 596. Now we are growing and the great thing is that coming from neighboring countries especially young people who want to marry and settle down, "says Angelo Rosa.

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Many people see the waste not as a disability but as an opportunity: industry, environmentalists, and now the municipalities. One in particular, are located in Lombardy and recorded to the registry just 732 souls. This is Mariana, a small village not far from Mantua, who decided to convert the waste to the main source of income for the town.

Ma come fanno? Semplice, bastano tre requisiti: lo spazio per inserire una discarica, una buona organizzazione ed un impianto a biogas. Lo spazio c’è, visto che il centro abitato, come detto, è molto piccolo, e così è possibile costruire una discarica a 3 km dalla prima casa, in modo da non far vedere nulla ai cittadini.

Una volta arrivati i rifiuti (che permettono al comune di incassare 13 euro a tonnellata, oltre un milione di euro lo scorso anno), i compattatori partono molto rapidamente, li riducono in balle in pochi minuti, tanto che, come dice il sindaco Angelo Rosa,

siamo tanto veloci che anche i gabbiani non trovano nulla da mangiare.

Questa rapidità gli permette di avere tanto spazio in discarica, ma soprattutto non far fermentare l’immondizia che crea quell’aria irrespirabile che conosciamo benissimo visto che ci è stata raccontata in tutte le salse nella cronaca di Napoli. In pratica i cittadini non si accorgono nemmeno della presenza della discarica, e così gli unici odori cattivi che arrivano, quando arrivano, sono da attribuire agli allevamenti presenti intorno al centro abitato, non di certo all’immondizia.

Infine le eco-balle vengono trasportate al vicino impianto a biogas che produce elettricità per il comune. Risultato? I cittadini non pagano tasse (Irpef sparita, l’Ici era stata eliminata anche prima della riforma voluta da Berlusconi), addirittura parents do not pay even the school cafeteria and listen to nursery school, and have even provided incentives to marry and have children (they handed out 750 € for those who got married and went to live in the town, 500 € for the first child, 1000 for the second and third, plus another 500 € for those who enroll their children in primary school in the country). Concludes the mayor

If there was a landfill, as a municipality would have gone bankrupt already fifteen years ago, we were left only 596. Now we are growing and the great thing is that coming from neighboring countries especially young people who want to marry and settle down.

The reason is simple, and is linked as well to incentives, including the fact that you can acquistare una villetta a poco prezzo, a 30 euro al metro quadro nelle aree già urbanizzate ed anche meno per le aree nuove. Insomma, come spiega lo stesso sindaco,

Bisogna usare la testa. Se si ragiona, anche i problemi più gravi si risolvono. Ci vogliono programmazione e consenso.

E speriamo che il modello Mariana 
sia esportato anche nel resto d’Italia.



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