Saturday, January 15, 2011

How To Hack Office 2003

Sardegna, Marea nera, pesci morti sulle spiagge, disastro senza precedenti

A trail of tar kilometer long

environmental disaster in Platamona

Ten thousand gallons of fuel oil coated the shoreline of Platamona (Sassari). A long black trail, the third "comb" is up to sixth, almost to the limit of the Navy Sorso. Final Act of the accident happened Tuesday night at the pier E. On, Esmeralda, where the tanker had just finished draining the oil for ad alimentare i vecchi gruppi di produzione 1 e 2. L'incidente ha riguardato una delle tubature che portano il carburante dalla banchina ai depositi della termocentrale. Dalla condotta, interrata nel cemento, è fuoriuscito l'olio che prima ha invaso la banchina e poi è finito in mare. In un primo momento si era parlato di "una modesta quantità", ma l'aspetto delle spiagge racconta un'altra storia. E in realtà la Capitaneria ha quantificato la perdita in 10 metri cubi (foto Mauro Chessa e Andrea Sini)

Marea nera,


pesci morti sulle spiagge,


disastro senza precedenti - FOTO

Platamona What is an environmental disaster without precedent. The President of Sardinia Region, Ugo Cappellacci, announced that an open confrontation with the leaders of companies managing large industries on the island, in the light of the pollution caused environmental Platamona last Tuesday by the leakage of fuel from the plant E. On Fiumesanto. The episode has also created strong warning to Stintino, although at the time the trail of oil is directed only toward the east. The fact was also attended by two regional directors of the PD: "The incident is more serious than we thought,"
Le operazioni di bonifica a Platamona rehabilitation work in Platamona
Sassari. The prosecutor of Sassari has opened an investigation to determine the causes and responsibility for any loss at sea of \u200b\u200bthousands of gallons of fuel oil took place three days ago at the airport industrial area of \u200b\u200bPorto Torres. A 'black tide' that invaded tens of kilometers of coastline in Sassari, now banned. The idea of \u200b\u200bcrime and environmental disaster, but at the moment there would be investigated. Meanwhile, the headquarters of the Harbour Porto Torres administrators and experts gathered to take stock of the remediation.

In the morning visit of the Environment Committee of the Province of Sassari in the north western coast of the island affected by 'pollution from Marine Sorso up to Castelsardo. The separatist leader of Irs, Gavino Sale, member of the commission, announced that tomorrow will be a spontaneous committee consisting of citizens and merchants who claim damages to the 'guilty'. "E. On to denounce environmental disaster - says Sale - We have found dead fish on the beach, there are miles of coastline polluted, we saw a hundred workers to work for environmental remediation, but it would take at least a thousand."

READ oil spill, banned miles of beach WATCH Photos of the environmental disaster
"We look with great concern to what happened in Porto Torres," said Cappellacci, during a press conference at Villa Devoto convened on the 2011 budget package approved last night by the Council Regional. "Sardinia has chosen to focus on the green economy. I think a comparison with the operators of the main industries of the island that can lead to environmental problems. I think, for example, at the head of E. On, Saras and Eni. We must think about the choices to be taken, focusing on the strategy of high value-added light industry, with a view, in fact, the green economy .

fuel oil spilled in Porto Torres, there is strong concern also at Stintino and the mayor, Antonio Diana, wrote to the Province. "The leaked fuel oil has also created some alarm in Stintino - said the mayor - although this time the pollution will be directed to the east." Yesterday morning, Diana, accompanied by the councilors of Ecology and Environment, respectively, and Moschella Antonella Angelo Mariani, carried out an inspection on the coast Stintino. Stampa subito 30 foto gratis! "At the moment there seems to be nothing to fear - the mayor said - but we call for action by the Province and dell'Arpas. We continue to monitor developments tides and winds. "alderman Diana today asked the Environment of the Province to plan a joint survey on the beaches of Stintino to ascertain the true situation.
" In the case of Porto Torres, although we try to minimize what has happened as a result of the spill of fuel oil into the sea during unloading from a tanker to the tanks of E.On., you need to know why the system of prevention are not active at all and do not protect our coasts. "They said The leader of the Democratic Party to the Regional Council Bruno Mario and Luigi Lotto, a member of the V th Standing Committee for Environmental Protection, in calling for the urgent convening of the same Commission to audit the assessor and the Special Commissioner for the Environment Oppi dell'Arpas Corraine.

"Our request is supported by the deep concern of the population by local government, it is time - they explained - to urge the commissioner to report to Oppi primarily on the real extent of the disaster, because it is obvious that we can not lose to the assessment of E.On., and second is to know what acts are being prepared to overcome the emergency and to prevent the recurrence of similar disasters. The protection of the environmental good and its preservation - Bruno and continued fighting - and above compared any other matter. We have always said and this battle for our defense policy will be uncompromising. "




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