Thursday, January 6, 2011

Black Red Bridesmaid Dresses

Maffini - "Open Court" (CD - Consorzio Produttori Cremonesi CPC 1710, 2009) Maria

There are at least four good reasons to buy and listen to this disc:

1. is well sung and well played, is a pleasure to listen;

2. was recorded and produced in Cremona, "City of Music" to pretend, in fact hostage by decades of violin making, opera, early music (ah, Monteverdi!) e. .. Mina ("the greatest singer of all, but I say all , ever!")! Most people, ignorant of the glorious history from below of local folk music - that of the Group of Piadena Padano, Cantatas Calvatone of Days, Sisters Bettinelli, the self-taught violinist Joseph Bodin ... empty names of a parallel universe, never shared, never belonged to local culture;

3. was produced and distributed by the one born in Cremona label music to enhance the 'other' land (see html ) without public funding, benefices and patronage. A little challenge to the power of the bombastic and vulgar discography catalepsy in these years, now lifeless television aquarium fish of the X-Factor and singer-children;

4. not the least reason, the idea 'politics' behind the operation of the cultural record, not the court 'closed', as they would like old and new ideologies of the Right xenophobic and intolerant ( legaiola ), but 'open' meeting with the different cultures of the world. No coincidence that the instrumentation and timbre choices range from tools to indigenous ethnic, confused, confusing, provoking listening.

want to then go into the choices Simona Maffini , singer for years devoted to repertoires of the border (ethnic, pop, folk ...), it is stucco listening to the infamous, now wears " Grapes Fogarino ," emblematic of an idea here really convincing 'folk genetically modified'.
Listen to it, You'll be surprised and ammmaliati: a round voice that at times evokes the legend of the singing of Joan mondine Daffini that seems lived among the bales of hay farm valley, with a record that is aching nostalgia of a time gone yet lived intensely, and do not fool anthem in harvesting and 'Camporella'. Rather, memory is faint undertone of youth faded.
musicians slow down the pace to ballad, guitar arpeggio with slight coloring of flute and accordion, and make it a little classic contemporary folk of the arrangement, giving us a song so gaunt and stereotypical (played since the seventies, including others, da Gigliola Cinquetti,  Anna Identici,  Nanni Svampa, Orietta Berti,  Renato Rascel nell'infausta versione 'dagherrotipica' lanciata su disco dal Duo di Piadena nel 1969...) sotto una nuova luce, davvero seducente.

Ma è solo l'inizio del disco, comunque, ricco di sorprese e suggestioni: tra splendide poesie in dialetto cremonese musicate da Turchetti ("Tramont in so Pòo" e "Primavera")  e felici riarrangiamenti di classici della tradizione padana (tra queste  una strepitosa "El me murus" per pianoforte e voce), due testi del XII secolo musicati da Turchetti e adattati in dialetto cremonese: "Maledet el sia chèl" ("Maledetto what is "), a devotional song of gallego" Cantigas de Santa Maria "and" Can I or mama "(" What will I do Mom "), a Kharja (handed down in rhyme spagnaolo Arabized) taken from" Kharjas. The songs mozarabes ", a collection edited by Samuel Stern, published in 1964 by the University of Palermo.

Simona Maffini (Cremona, 2009). Photos of Christian Chiodelli

The songs of the album
1. "Fogarino Grapes" (trad.)
2. "Sa faròo o mama" (trad.) 
3. "Primavèera" (Turchetti-Lanzoni)
4. "La bella la va al fosso" (trad.)
5. "C ü latina " (Turchetti)
6. "Lazzaro" (Turchetti)
7. "Sensa pensàa" (Turchetti)
8. "El me murus" (trad.)
9. "Dove te veèt o Marietina" (trad.)
10. "Maledèt el sia chèl" (trad.)
11. "Tramòont in so Pòo" (Turchetti-Ciozzani)
12. "Le filèere" (trad.)

Simona Maffini - canto

The Capricci Cremonesi Ensemble:
Fabio Turchetti - chitarra, fisarmonica, piano
Aldo Pini - chitarra (brani # 3 e 11)
Luca Congedo - flauto
Enzo Frassi - basso elettrico
Pietro Triolo - cornamusa
Claudio Zaffanella - percussioni

Musicisti ospiti:
Sofiane El Moktar - voce e violino (brano # 2)
Michel Machado - rap Cuban (track # 5)
Tai Santiago - pandeiro (track # 10)
Butrus Bishara - voice and oud (track # 12)

Manufactured by Fabio Turchetti
Recorded in 2009 in the study Matatigre Cremona
painting on the cover of Luciana Chioatto

info and contacts at:
http://www.consorzioproduttoricremonesi . com /
http://www.myspace/consorzio%% 20produttori 20cremonesi

Download Free Music "Grapes Fogarino" Maffini interpretation of the link: _Track_01.mp3-


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