Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wording For A Retirement Cake

La fine delle fonti fossili si avvicina , Nuovo record del mondo di efficienza fotovoltaica in USA

New world record for photovoltaic efficiency in the U.S.: the end of fossil fuels is approaching

Dall 'America come good news for the photovoltaic , where he is regularly touching up the record efficiency of photovoltaic , making it increasingly competitive with fossil energy sources. When will we also overtaking is difficult to say, but it is interesting to see how product innovations designed to make more efficient photovoltaics are literally bow different countries. If
January the start-up California Solar Junction had an impressive set a world record ' efficiency of 40.9% in the laboratory of a new prototype of solar cells (a record of the retouched up 50% above the first), and in recent days the news that this record was beaten by another California manufacturer of solar cells.
The company in question is called Amonix , another California company, whose revolutionary flagship product, the generator Amonix 7700, it has collected a number of world records efficiency of photovoltaics: the 41.6% n the laboratory, the 31% field-level panel and 27% at the plant level. But what are the
characteristics of this solar power generator?
Amonix 7700 is a 53-kW generator to power the size of an IMAX movie screen, with Fresnel lenses 7500 - che concentrano i raggi solari fino a 500 volte su ogni cella – e altrettante celle fotovoltaiche.
Decisiva un’innovazione mutuata dal settore aerospaziale, da dove è stata adattata una peculiare composizione chimica delle celle a base di fosfuro di indio e gallio , di aumentata efficienza.
Ora, con questi livelli di efficienza, nei sei stati degli Stati Uniti che godono di maggiore insolazione, il fotovoltaico , che aveva già da tempo effettuato il sorpasso a livello di minor costi rispetto al carbone, è diventato addirittura più economico degli impianti a gas , nonostante che i gas naturali stiano beneficiando di un prezzo di mercato particolarmente basso negli ultimi mesi.
And we talk about the same cost true, without subsidies.
Not only that, Amonix plants are designed to last up to half a century, further increasing the cost-effectiveness.
Thanks to these advances, end the dominance of fossil fuels is really nearest .

. Anche le cose sognano.. Regenesi .

continue the technological advances in photovoltaic . Last 6 Solar Generation, the annual report on the photovoltaic European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and Greenpeace , announces investment doubled by 2015.
According to the same analysis, the potential of photovoltaics world could reach 180 GW in that year, when at the end of 2010 was about 36 GW installed. Technological innovations in photovoltaic continue to improve on the road to and lower costs of 'increasing returns . If
' average efficiency solar cells current is about 15% in several research centers are in fact creating new cells which over 20%. The record, more than 24.7% has already been achieved in a Australian university. The latest news comes from the laboratories instead of micro and nanotechnology Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, working on materials and minimizing losses have developed a monocrystalline silicon cell comes to 20.5%.
In practice, the same area as these cells may need to obtain a quantity of electricity of up to one third larger than in conventional. In fact, for a plant that produces 4 kilowatt hours per day will suffice, for example 4.8 square meters of panels, rather than the 6.5 / 7 that it would take with traditional cells.
equally between the cells thin film, less efficient but cheaper and suitable for large areas, the continuing increases in efficiencies. The United Solar has created a thin film crystalline silicon capable, thanks to nanotechnology, to reach 12% over a wide area. Avancis instead reached to 15.5% on an area 30 × 30 cm with a film based on copper, indium selenide , the so-called CIS technology .
For cells of United Solar , built on an area of \u200b\u200b400 cm2 with triple-junction and coated with a polymer brevettato, si tratta di un aumento dell′efficienza del 50% rispetto a quelle attualmente prodotte, e saranno in commercio dal 2012. Un′innovazione questa, che promette di migliorare significativamente l′efficienza di tutti i tipi di celle fotovoltaiche.
Infine, arriva dal Giappone e in particolare da un team di scienziati.  Si tratta di una pellicola anti riflesso creata, grazie alle nanotecnologie, imitando gli occhi delle falene , che permettono a questi insetti di vedere al buio e che, oltre ad essere idrorepellenti , sono tra le superfici meno riflettenti al mondo. Gli esperimenti condotti hanno showed an increase of 6% efficiency in sunny areas (Phoenix ) and 5% where there is less sunlight, as in Tokyo. The development of PV
, as well as all other green energy, will be critical not only for the ' economy of our country, but also to achieve the goal of 8,000 megawatts of solar energy capacity that Italy will be by 2020.
According to the agreements made with other European partners , the development of micro-solar therefore favor the spread within private, helping to change the mentality and attitudes of citizens on the potential of solar and other renewable sources .
Unfortunately, these sources are wrong expensive or inefficient to support the energy demand of our country. Definitely a cliché be debunked.

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