Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Check Faint Pink Line


(AGI) - Rome, March 15 - I consiglieri regionali lombardi della Lega Nord , come annunciato, non hanno partecipato all' esecuzione dell 'Inno di Mameli che ha aperto stmani la seduta dell'assemblea al Pirellone . In aula era presente solo il presidente Davide Boni, che, come lui stesso ha spiegato, "ha assicurato la sua presenza per il ruolo istituzionale". Tutti gli altri leghisti, fra cui gli assessori e Renzo Bossi, sono rimasti a prendere un caffe' e a fare colazione. Mentre risuonava l'inno nazionale , come imposto da una legge per i 150 anni dell'Unita' d'Italia, che solo il Carroccio non ha votato, tutti gli altri consiglieri regionali, invece, sono stati in piedi dietro i loro banchi, indossando chi una coccarda tricolore, chi una spilla o chi addirittura mostrando una bandiera italiana nel taschino della giacca, come l'assessore Romano La Russa. In aula per l'occasione anche il governatore Roberto Formigoni .


E questo proprio nel giorno in cui il presidente della Repubblic a torna a celebrare l'unita' d'Italia e il valore della Costituzion e che coniuga' l'identita' nazionale e le autonomie territoriali. "La nascita dello Stato unitario - scrive il Capo dello stato - ha consentito al nostro paese di compiere a decisive historical progress, strengthen the love of country, to end a fatal fragmentation, to identify with a liberal and democratic order of the experience of strong anti-fascist struggle.
High debate in the Constituent Assembly has led to the identification - continues Napolitano - ideals and values \u200b\u200bto bring order to the Republican base. In Constitution the identity 'of the nation's historical and cultural lives with the recognition and development of federalism in the sense of self that are more' richer and more 'alive, reaffirming the unity' and indivisibility 'of the Republic ".


"It 's very serious that the Regional Councillors of the Lombard League be released today during the playing of the di Mameli. It' s a real blow to the country. If you do not feel Italian resign and refuse to lavish paycheck that arrives on time later this month, "said the spokesman of ' Italy of Values, Leoluca Orlando , adding:" At least for once the pluribocciato' Trout ', aka Renzo Bossi, study and learn the words of' hymn, as he has claimed not to know or go to the factory or in other places with him more 'suitable for a living, as do all his peers who are not children of senatur. "Who does not recognize the rule which governs, should trarne le conseguenze. Non si puo' essere ministri, governatori, sindaci, assessori, consiglieri di un esecutivo nazionale, di una regione, di una provincia e di una citta' se non si approva l'ordinamento dal quale queste articolazioni discendono. E cosi' oggi, dal titolo della Padania ("Il Nord paga piu' di tutta Europa, il resto d'Italia festeggia") al comportamento dei consiglieri della Lega durante l'esecuzione dell' Inno di Mameli in apertura dei lavori del consiglio regionale lombardo, il partito di Bossi ha dimostrato di essere indegno delle istituzioni che occupa" ha sostenuto Alessandro Maran , che definisce "pagliacciate" le manifestazioni del Carroccio, while , notes, Napolitano combines independence and indivisibility '. "The Northern League elected in Lombardy have preferred to leave the courtroom today that the Board of the Pirelli Tower (the only president of the Regional Council David Boni, which, however, wore green tie and handkerchief, followed the playing of her arms folded and head down) should agree with them and remember that federalism, regionalism is not another state, but techniques of government to bring institutions closer to citizens. " "Cosi '- concludes Maran - while the President of the Republic reminds us that in our constitution coexist autonomy and indivisibility' witness, yet Once a clown always and only in the name of visibility 'and maybe a few more votes for' the next administration. "" And ' intolerable that the regional directors of the Lombard League be released today during the execution Mameli's anthem. The leaguers who are part of government or publicly dissociate themselves from what has been done by their party colleagues in Milan or leave immediately by the national government of the Italian Republic, which as stated in the Constitution and 'one and indivisible, and which was first sworn to the ministers. The League and 'secessionist. Who has not understood yet continues to hurt the country and its unity ', that hypocritically celebrates ma che nei fatti calpesta ogni giorno" ha affermato Alessandro Pignatiello , coordinatore della segreteria nazionale del PdCI-Federazione della sinistra .


Non si fa attendere la risposta del Carroccio , secondo il quale eseguire l'inno di Mameli all' inizio della seduta del consiglio regionale ha fatto raggiungere ''un livello di demagogia senza precedenti, anche perche' il sentimento di appartenenza all'Italia non avviene per imposizione''. Cosi' il presidente leghista dell' assemblea, Davide Boni , replica alle accuse. Boni era l'unico esponente del Carroccio presente in aula mentre sounded notes. I was there''- he said - 'cause is of institutional office and I always respect for all the hymns, but ideally I was with my party colleagues that have remained outside, and together we have not even shared the Federal Act on 'of Italy.''
"Unfortunately - and ironically - I could not drink cappuccino with others in my group." "Ideally I was out with my group, and did not want to drag the Council in a political diatribe. I witnessed as I witness how to assist the anthem anthems of all States."
the leader of the Northern League, Stefano Galli, who criticized him for his stay in the classroom, the president of the Regional Council says, "clothe an institutional office, the president of the Regional Council has indications other than the leader of the Lega Nord ". Boni has also launched a challenge to the regional president, Roberto Formigoni , present in court during the anthem:" Register with pleasure presence of the regional president, I hope that is present at all sessions of 2011, I do not want to miss even one National Anthem. " The representative of the Northern League, then , said:" Today we have reached a level of demagoguery out of each course. I have given orders not to fly tricolor, 'cause someone thought, perhaps, to enter the stadium. I think we have crossed the line, we are in a Regional Council is not at the stage when they play the national team.
In IX legislature - said Boni - we have advisors who know me laugh at the memory but will not know the problems of the citizens of Lombard. "


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