Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do Women Prefer Shaved Man

Senza lavoro per decreto , 150.000 famiglie a rischio nel fotovoltaico

Senza lavoro per decreto:

150.000 famiglie a rischio nel fotovoltaico


Il Governo intende presentare in pre-consiglio martedi una bozza che di fatto bloccherà il fotovoltaico with almost immediate effect if not retroactive. Roof of 8,000 MW and MW after a stop to incentives.
Who will finance the plants under these conditions of uncertainty and after all the misinformation that has been done in these days?
We are working on several fronts to try to parry the blow
1) more than 55 MPs have signed the letter that we prepared for the head of state and President of the Council of Ministers
2) Monday will hold a joint press conference in front of the Legambiente with the Ministry of Development, WWF, Greenpeace, Aper, Anev, Assosolare, Grid Parity Project and Kyoto Club
3) we are trying to organize a demonstration in front of Palazzo Chigi for the day of approval del Dlgs (mercoledi).
Tutto questo potrebbe non bastare purtroppo.
E’ il momento di fare sentire quanti interessi sono toccati da un provvedimento cosi sbagliato.
Abbiamo predisposto il testo di una lettera (lo trovate nel seguito). Ciascuno di noi lo dovrebbe inviare e impegnarsi a farlo inviare a quante più persone possa.
Se non ci muoviamo ora faremo la fine della Spagna e saremo spazzati via.
Dobbiamo far capire che non siamo pochi speculatori ma un vero settore industriale. Ogni operaio, ogni elettricista, ogni collaboratore dovrebbe mandare la mail.
Se ci credete diffondete agli amici, ai colleghi e ai collaboratori. Se non lo facciamo adesso la settimana prossima potrebbe essere troppo tardi.
L’e-mail should be addressed at:
segreteria.presidente governo.it @, @
Segreteria.ministro sviluppoeconomico.gov.it,
Saglia.segreteria sviluppoeconomico.gov.it @, @
Segreteria.capogabinetto sviluppoeconomico.gov.it ,
Ufficio.legislativo sviluppoeconomico.gov.it @, @
segreteria.ministro minambiente.it,
atelli.massimiliano minambiente.it @, @
Lucarelli.paola minambiente.it,
Degiorgi.marco miniambiente.it
segreteriaMinistroSacconi @ @ lavoro.gov.it
in DC would put the following address :
Even better, if you can also send faxes the following numbers:
Presidency of the Council of Ministers: 06 67793067
Ministry of Economic Development: 06.47887964
Ministry of the Environment: 0657288513
Ministry of Labour: 064821207
If you have a profile on Facebook, on Linkedin or other social networks spread the letter. In silence we die!
Subject of mail: Jobless decree: 15,000 families at risk
text message to send or post:
Hon Prime Minister
Hon Minister of Economic Development
Hon Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and the sea
Hon Minister of Labour, Health and Welfare
These days, it was decided to decree the death of renewable energy in Italy. Fifteen families at risk of losing a few months in the job, which employ a further 100,000 people will be affected. It 'a very high price in social and economic terms, which will be paid by one of the few productive sectors not affected by the crisis and a significant number of workers and families. That 's what will happen if the Council of Ministers will approve the decree on renewable version circulating in recent days in Parliament and which he read in advance of print.
After a few months (long overdue) approval in August of last year, the Law on the new energy bill, on 31 January the European Commission adopted, as noted, a recommendation calls on Member States to encourage political development of renewable sources, explicitly discouraging regulatory instruments have retroactive effect, because of market uncertainty and the freezing of investments.
In spite of these premises, in the draft legislative decree providing for renewable read retroactively introduce a binding limit of 8,000 MW. Stop the projects approved and pending approval. Stop at many construction sites in progress. A real roof on photovoltaics, più di 6 volte inferiore a quello fissato dalla Germania. È questa la prospettiva che annienterebbe il settore fotovoltaico a partire dalla prossima settimana con l’eventuale approvazione in Consiglio dei Ministri. A farne immediatamente le spese saranno circa 150.000 lavoratori impiegati direttamente e indirettamente nel fotovoltaico.
In queste condizioni  un’industria nascente è condannata a morte prima ancora di essere diventata pienamente adulta. Se nell’arco di pochi giorni non si riuscirà a introdurre dei correttivi, il fotovoltaico rischia una Caporetto, con ripercussioni molto pesanti sia in termini occupazionali che di credibilità del sistema Paese. Mentre gli Stati Uniti di Obama, despite a cut in public spending very strong, keep the rudder to balance the development of renewable energy, Italy is in danger after that a new collapse in the eighties.
We are appalled, it is incomprehensible. It is not enough to promote the environment and the health of us all, generate wealth and provide jobs for over 15,000 direct employees and up to 100,000 indirect, provide opportunities to more than 160,000 households to become energy independent? What interests you really want to protect? Who are the powers that are eliminating them one by one all the sources? Before the wind, photovoltaics today. What fate awaits a country that systematically destroys their opportunities for development?
Despite the positive opinion in the parliamentary committees (which the draft decree implementing Directive 2009/28 on energy from renewable sources is part of European energy policy to reduce dependence on fossil fuel sources and CO2) into the current debate, particularly for press reports often an expression of interest does not necessarily overt and explicit in the political and social, seems a prelude to legislative action that will, we fear, completely counter to that, wanted by the Commission, encouragement of development policies for renewables.
The reality is different. Faced with a crisis that continues to bite the manufacturing base, it is true that the renewable energy sector is moving strongly against. The incentives (which, remember, not burden the state budget but not on that of the families, as it was read in these days) have created a virtuoso flying that allowed the country to draw closer to the group of leading countries in the field of ' innovation and production capacity. Photovoltaics, in an environment as difficult as what we have seen emerge in recent years, represents a growing sector of employment and turnover, as well as an area of \u200b\u200btechnological evolution.
trust in the balance and wisdom of the government and parliament that we should take steps to prevent another piece of our economy from falling victim to conflicting interests and ideological battles. We trust that you will give a future to our families and our children who are innocent today in the uncertainties and uncertainty. "

http://energymaster.it/senza-lavoro-per-decreto- 150-000-family-in-a-risk-PV /

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