Friday, March 11, 2011

Enema Without Equipment


(ASCA) - Roma, 11 mar - ''Abbiamo chiesto un incontro con il governo perche' le assemblee legislative possano avere un rapporto diretto ed essere di supporto alla realizzazione del federalismo''. Lo ha dichiarato Davide Boni, presidente del Consiglio regionale lombardo e presidente della Conferenza dei presidenti delle Assemblee legislative delle Regioni e delle Province autonome, a margine dell'Assemblea plenaria riunitasi oggi a Roma.

''La Conference of Presidents - continues Boni - a cautiously positive position on federalism. We are taking action on the merits, however, conscious of the fact that we are moving towards a time of suffering for the regions.''

Boni underlines the willingness' to work directly with the government because '''the decree and' still a draft and we want to be involved in achieving a successful outcome of the law.''

''lacks the resources, as the President of the Conference of Regions, Vasco Errani, but - Boni ends - we're in a situation of total change. There are fixed points but you can not 'more' fade away on a strong historical position for 60 years. We must rationalize and accept that there will be prizes for the Regions virtuous. If she cries, Emilia-Romagna, what will make 'Calabria?'' .


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