Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Long For Tick Bit To Heal

Allarme di Legambiente , Quando la scuola cade a pezzi

alarm Legambiente: "Over 50% of the buildings located in areas of seismic risk"

ROME - The Italian 36% of school buildings is in an emergency situation and the percentage of schools requiring major repairs did not experience positive changes in recent years. About 42,000 buildings, in fact, the middle is still located in areas of seismic risk and only 58% have a certificate of fitness for use. And 'this, as stated in a footnote, the alarming picture taken by Ecosystem school 2011, Legambiente report on construction education, presented this morning in Lucca.
To illustrate the XI edition of the dossier Legambiente in a meeting-debate on the issue, were present, among others, Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, national president of Legambiente, Stefano Baccelli, President of the Province of Lucca, Vanessa Pallucco, responsible Legambiente and Training School, adds the note. The survey Legambiente on primary and secondary schools for children of First Instance of 93 provincial capitals about a school building stock still in a state of emergency, where as much as 36% of the buildings need immediate maintenance. A figure that shows no signs of going down and che restituisce ancora la difficoltà degli enti locali di tenere in piedi un patrimonio edilizio vetusto, costruito nel 65% dei casi prima del 1974, anno dell'entrata in vigore dei provvedimenti per le costruzioni localizzate in aree sismiche.
Ed è proprio la messa in sicurezza antisismica delle scuole costruite prima degli anni 70 a rappresentare una delle emergenze cui far fronte, dal momento che oltre il 50% dei 42.000 edifici scolastici italiani si trova tuttora in area a rischio sismico, il 9% è a rischio idrogeologico, meno del 50% degli edifici possiede il certificato di collaudo statico e solo il 10,14% è costruito secondo criteri antisismici, spiega la nota. Secondo il rapporto, tuttavia, quasi nella totalità Building evacuation drills are made more than 90% have anti-panic doors, but the certification of fire prevention is only 35.4% and the fire escapes are present in just over 50%.
Again Ecosystem School highlights the qualitative difference of the architectural heritage of the different areas of the country. 52% of the buildings to the south and about 53% in the islands, in fact, although relatively young building, declaring the need for urgent maintenance, compared with the statements from the north and center, which is around 26 %, the note continues. But the difference between north and south is also investing substantial medium extraordinary service denota un diverso approccio politico-amministrativo nella gestione complessiva dell'edilizia scolastica: si passa infatti dai 53.472 euro al nord, ai 27.193 euro al centro per arrivare ai 22.482 investiti al Sud.
Nel settentrione inoltre, c'è una maggiore attenzione per la manutenzione ordinaria, con una media di investimento dei comuni doppia rispetto a quella del meridione, ovvero 12.003 euro ad edificio contro i 4.902 del sud. Tiene unita tutta la penisola, invece, il problema di carenza di strutture dedicate allo sport, di cui ancora oggi sono sprovviste il 45% delle scuole, prosegue la nota. Ma oltre a non essere in sicurezza, le scuole italiane non monitorano neanche il rischio ambientale: malgrado la legge 257 del 1992 richieda alle the census regions of the buildings in which asbestos structures are present and that most school buildings have been built in decades in which they were used to build, as much as 18% of the municipalities does not make the monitoring of asbestos structures.
Same for radon, which is monitored only by the government while 30% are completely underestimated the risks arising from the proximity to power lines, monitored, only 11% of the common and present at levels of 3.4%, the note stresses . Nearly 17% of the buildings is rather less than 5 miles from industry and 10.5% less than a mile to sources of noise pollution. 15% is the percentage of institutions that are close di antenne per i cellulari, mentre solo il 4% degli edifici si trova vicino a emittenti radio televisive.
"Nonostante i proclami governativi, attendiamo la pubblicazione dell'anagrafe scolastica, in sospeso da quindici anni, per avere un quadro preciso delle condizioni in cui versano gli edifici scolastici in Italia- ha dichiarato Vanessa Pallucchi, responsabile scuola e formazione dell'associazione- La scarsità e la discontinuità delle risorse finanziarie non sono il nodo principale dell'uscita da questo stallo, lo è invece la possibilità di lavorare su una programmazione e pianificazione a medio e lungo termine, che dia modo di analizzare i bisogni del patrimonio edilizio scolastico nazionale nella sua complessità ed interezza".
"For the past eleven years that the emergency exit Ecosystem School complaint, in fact, it is necessary to ensure stability and organic to the transfer of resources, redefine roles and responsibilities of the Government to complete the final register-school said" But we expect Pallucco also by the institutions that school construction and rehabilitation of land becoming construction management excellence, attention to the sustainability and liveability also educational places, places where they live every day as many as eight million students. "
a setback and a lack of investment by government is also reflected in good practice, for structural innovation and sustainability management of buildings, still reads the note. If it is true that the collection has become a widespread practice in most schools, has been confirmed that for years the percentage of schools that practice is still 80%. Slow the growth of organic canteens, where even though 87% are served organic food, only 8, 66% offer entirely organic food, while the rest of the canteens states use a percentage amounts to 54% of organic products .
remains interesting, however, the positive trend for energy efficiency with the increase over four years of high school that use energy-efficient lighting sources from 46.5% to more than 63% and those which use energy from renewable sources, reached more than 8%, reports the note. Among the regions that stand out for specific investments in clean energy in schools are Puglia, Abruzzo and Tuscany with a percentage of buildings that use renewable twice the national average.
In general the picture of Ecosystem school this year 2011 is confirmed in the central and northern top of the list, look at the note. Leading the ranking of provincial capitals has Prato (I), followed by Trent (II), Parma (III), Biella (V), Frosinone (VIII) and Terni (IX), while entering the top ten, Siena ( IV), Alexandria (VI), Reggio Emilia (VII) and Verbania (X). In terms of regions, however, once again, Piedmont, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna, the flagship of the quality of services and school building.
The first town south of Naples, which this year takes place in 24th place, distinguished by the possession of the certificates of fitness for use, static and hygiene, but also a good result in terms of recycling, the statement concludes. A stand on the use of renewable energy Imperia, Prato, Ragusa and Vicenza are the cities with the largest percentage given. Are, Ferrara, Vercelli, Milan, Trento, Bolzano and Messina cities on average spend more in maintenance and Milano, Parma, Agrigento, Udine, Bologna e Firenze quelle che investono di più in quella ordinaria.
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