Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bleeding A Week After Missed Period

Renewal office in the Federation of Abruzzi associations in Venezuela

175009_1884379032836_1342184710_2180319_7820765_o Germana Pieri, Maracaibo - The characteristic of the Assemblies of the Federation of Associations of Abruzzo in Venezuela, is the union and friendship.
could not be made otherwise than in the city of Maracay, on 19 February at the House of Italy. Again, the presidents and delegates of the ten associations and three representatives CRAM moved from all over the country to come together in harmony and compattezza.La kindness and hospitality of the President of the Association of Maracay Mario Paris, has created an environment of joyful participation and cohesion.
Welcoming those present, Mariano Palazzo, president of the House of Italy in Maracay and director of the Dante Alighieri, emphasizing the important role of associations in the Italian community, with their contribution to the dissemination of culture, traditions and values the homeland. Also, surprisingly, as chairman of Faiva, has made an award to John Margiotta for his outstanding contribution with Vittorio Fioravanti of Caracas, as creator and organizer of the Federation of Italian-Venezuelan, together with the Presidents of the Houses of Italy Filippo Sindoni Maracay, Caracas and Valencia Salvatore Pluchino Renzo Bertuzzi.
Then they opened the proceedings of Federazione.Come contemplated in the statutes and in accordance with the laws of Repubbblica Bolivarian Venezuela, the Assembly included the following agenda items: 1-
Report of the activities in the biennium 2008-2010 and adoption of the budget at the end of management. 2-Election of the Board of Directors, the period 2010-2012. The representative
CRAM Mirtha D'Astolfo has read the report of activities carried out by the Federation in these two years: visita del Presidente del Consiglio Regionale d'Abruzzo Nazario Pagano e la sua Delegazione; le due edizioni di Miss Abruzzo in Venezuela nell'amito delle Settimane Abruzzesi; il Viaggio Studio delle dieci giovani rappresentanti delle Associazioni offerte dal Presidente del Consiglio Regionale; la partecipazione di cinque giovani abruzzesi ad un corso di formazione professionale in Abruzzo, organizzato dal CRAM attraverso l'ICE; gli interventi a favore della comunitá abruzzese in casi di sequestro di persona o di assistenza sanitaria ai corregionali in stato di bisogno. Nella relazione é stata rimarcata la massima collaborazione con le Autoritá italiane, dall'Ambasciata d'Italia al Consolato Generale, dai Consolati di Caracas e Maracaibo, agli Agenti Consular.
President John Margiotta filed on behalf of the board of directors, the financial statement. Considering the high level of activity, the result of the activities, the budget was approved unanimously.
It then moved the election of new Board of Directors for the next biennium. With the full consent of all the delegates, was confirmed as President John Margiotta senior. Confirmed the Vice President Aldino Rasetta, Secretary and Treasurer Norman Dear Vincenzo Di Mauro. Voice directors, Joan Spadorcia, Maria Gabriella Marcacci, Mario Paris, Marisa Di Giovanni, Peter Lucente and Jairo Cappelletti. Principal Commissioner Marisol Pierini, and alternate representative Mirtha D'Astolfo. Abruzzo national youth coordinator John (Johnny) Margiotta.
Among other things, it was explained how the participation of the Federation of Associations and Abruzzo, the Commission for the provision of health insurance policies to the fellow from the Region of Abruzzo. But it was welcomed with relief the news these days given by the Consul General of Italy in Caracas, Dr. John Clark, the agreement with a national pharmacy network for free medication management provided by the Italian government to their compatriots in the state need. Soon also will be entered into an agreement with a network of hospitals and at national level for the administration of care mediche.Una laudable initiative that deserves the recognition for the interest of the Consul General.
Among the projects planned for the current year, the Italian language courses facilitated by the Associations of Abruzzo, Abruzzese the third week to be held in Maracaibo, with the election of Miss Venezuela Abruzzo in 2011, which was again invited to participate President of the Regional Council Nazario Pagan with his delegation, as well as members of the executive of the CRAM. At the same person has already been invited Ambassador Paul Snakes, who during his visit to the Consulate in Maracaibo has promised his presence. Of importance, the Youth Congress Abruzzo with an invitation to young people in Abruzzi associations in Latin America.
Grande and renewed enthusiasm by all those present, who have launched a series of innovative ideas to bring young people in particular associations and involve them more and more so that they can one day add a new appointment for today to collect the inheritance of their parents and carefully resealed and kept love alive for your region, Abruzzo.
you at the next meeting April 30 in the city of Merida.


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