Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ringworm African American Arm

(a cura di) Vincenzo Santoro - "Memorie della terra. Racconti e canti di lavoro e di lotta del Salento" (libro con CD - Squi[libri], Italia 2010)

After a considerable essay on the history of the folk revival Salento published by imbalances in 2009 ("The Return of the tarantula. History of Salento folk music revival"), which had the rare merit to tackle head on one of the most controversial phenomena emerged in the last few years in the folk, the researcher Vincenzo Santoro offers another insight into the folk history of the investigated area the size Labour, which is limited to the first half of last century.

explains well the editor in the introduction to the volume, "the idea of \u200b\u200b Memoirs of the earth was created primarily by two requirements. On the one hand they wanted to translate into a form" spectacular "the narrative material result of two separate field studies that have documented, using the methodology of the "oral history", the season of peasant struggles and tobacco in Salento. (...) The other requirement was to address a look at a specific form of musical tradition in this area: that relating to "work", the songs performed during the farm work, to the real theme song political and social, which often were "composed" on the occasion of peasant demonstrations, forming a sort of soundtrack.

Santoro's intent, consistent with the implicit denunciation of the essay of 2009, is to interpret the revival of traditional Salento which affected the last decade, with courageous and timely posting to demystify "the image of a rural world bucolic and peaceful, full of magical practices and meanings" obscuring "the negative connotations that these customs had its stars concrete (it is the emblematic case of the cultural phenomenon of tarantismo, transformed from a symbol of pain and social suffering in a sort of new-age fetish functional to "high"), which also removes the memory of the actual conditions in which they live the peasants, which in most cases led a life of hardship and toil, subject to continuous humiliation and exploitation by the few landowners and local notables who had firmly the reins of economic and political power "(p. 14).

The 77 pages of the book, then, based on direct memories some of the protagonists of that time (taken from original interviews or collected / existing essays) become the subject of a fascinating journey of rediscovery - you do the show, in fact, represented in the theaters - the stories 'minor' poor link with the economy of the region: the cultivation of tobacco (event shocked the revolt of the tobacconist dell'Acait Tricase choked with the blood in 1935 ...), the harsh repression of strikes, the occupation of land, the attacks in the streets, the fall of Fascism become the noble texture of this story is not official, but authentic, deeply wounded soul and bodies of the people, entrusted to the lyrics of the songs, the music and the voices narrative of the CD. In the glorious footsteps of popular shows like "Hello Beautiful" (1964) and "There I speak and sing" (1966), which symbolically inaugurated the season of rebirth in Italy della cultura folk, in cui obiettivo degli organizzatori era quello di divulgare in modo rispettoso e filologicamente corretto esperienze emblematiche delle tradizioni locali del Paese.

Qui, merito di un ottimo gruppo di interpreti (tra cui, oltre a Santoro, spicca la bravissima A nna Cinzia Villani ) che ripropone, in riletture assolutamente godibili, 'classici' del repertorio salentino quali "Fimmene fimmene", "La tabaccara" e "La Ceserina", restituendoli a una più aderente dimensione della memoria, liberati dalla fastidiosa patina del merchandising culturale che, purtroppo, li ha resi famosi nel mondo sotto ben altre vesti.

(February 19, 2011)

The performers of "Memory of land"
Vincenzo Santoro, Anna Cinzia Villani - voiceovers
Anna Cinzia Villani - vocals, diatonic accordion, tambourine
Daniel Sunflowers - vocals , tambourine, dark-dark, spoons
Maria Mazzotta - vocals, tambourine
Enrico Noviello - vocals, guitar, swing guitar, tambourine

The tracks on the enclosed CD
1. "Lu Sule Calau Calau" (trad.)
2. "Tobacco in our family" (narration)
3. "Fimmene fimmene" (trad.)
4. "Come si coltivava il tabacco?" (brano narrato)
5. "Masseria Stanese" (trad.)
6. "E' statu subitu dopu a guerra" (brano narrato)
7. "La cupa cupa viene de Pasticcia" (trad. - A. C. Villani)
8. "Mio padre è stato direttore dell'Acait" (brano narrato)
9. "La tabaccara" (trad. - elaborazione Gli Ucci)
10. "Era il 15 maggio del 1935" (brano narrato)
11. "De ddhu se partìu study lepure " (translation - AC Villani)
12." Here were all to medicate " (narration)
1 3." The Ceserina " (trad . - preparing Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino)
14. "Then he fell Fascism" (narration)
15. "My Mother is going on there"
16. "L 'April 11, 1948 " (narration)
a 7." The tabbacchine de Aradeo "
18." This is a Arneo large bubo " (narration)
19." Canaj Canaj " (trad.)
20." The clerk glances " (narration)
21. "Canto Arneo" (trad.)

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