Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dengue Myalgia Arthralgia

Onda nera nel Lambro, indagati i petrolieri


http://cipiri6.blogspot.com/2010/02/ Lambro river-hour-24-2--1700-bonofica.html


The Attorney Monza disaster to cover the tax evasion on tons of diesel



no warning of the 'Ndrangheta, sabotaging the competition, the revenge of an employee. There are two suspects in the investigation on toxic substances in the Lambro and Po, estimated 2,600 tons of oil ended up in the night between 23 and 24 February last the first then nell'affluente in Great River. An environmental disaster for days worldwide, caused by a spill in Lombard oil, Villasanta. The suspects are Joseph and Rinaldo Tagliabue, 54 and 49 years, the same owners of the company. The oil. The charge: the assessment or the payment of removal on mineral oils. But be warned: it is not only thing to escape. From here you may close the case, with the crime of environmental disaster. Without having to go far. In the sense of places and even people.] No warning of the 'Ndrangheta, sabotaging the competition, the revenge of an employee. There are two suspects in the investigation on toxic substances in the Lambro and Po, estimated 2,600 tons of oil ended up in the night between 23 and 24 February last the first then nell'affluente in Great River. An environmental disaster for days worldwide, caused by a spill in Lombard oil, Villasanta. The suspects are Joseph and Rinaldo Tagliabue, 54 and 49 years, the same owners of the company. The oil. The charge: the assessment or the payment of removal on mineral oils. But be warned: it is not only thing to escape. From here you may close the case, with the crime of environmental disaster. Without having to go far. Nel senso di luoghi e anche di persone.

AMMANCHI E INTERROGATORI - Da raffineria con 300 operai, la Lombarda Petroli si era trasformata in centro di stoccaggio con una decina di dipendenti. Eppure non c’era stato totale ridimensionamento. Continuavano a entrare enormi quantità tenute in deposito per conto terzi. Carburante, oli industriali. Le quantità, a detta degli accertamenti, non trovavano corrispondenza nei registri contabili e soprattutto nelle tasse versate. Si ipotizza che in quel febbraio controlli dell’Agenzia delle dogane avrebbero potuto comportare milioni di euro di multe e conseguenze penali. Le pm di Monza, Emma Gambardella e Donata Costa, condurranno altri interrogatori. I carabinieri di Monza e del Nucleo operativo ecological filed the results of a year of intense investigation. It will be the attorney to consider further action against Tagliabue. According to the reconstruction, would favor the spill occurred. Perhaps using some workers. The leakage, if not caused by a fault, it requires many sequential operations. Difficult to improvise. ] Shortages and Query - From refinery with 300 workers, the Lombard Petroli had turned into a storage facility with ten employees. Yet there was no overall downsizing. They still get huge amounts held in trust for third parties. Fuel, industrial oils. The amount, according to the findings, did not correspond to the accounting records and above in taxes paid. It is assumed that in that February of the Customs controls could result in millions of euro in fines and other penalties. The Monza pm, Emma Gambardella and Donald Costa, will lead other interrogations. The police Monza and core operational ecological filed the results of a year of intense investigation. It will be the attorney to consider further action against Tagliabue. According to the reconstruction, would favor the spill occurred. Perhaps using some workers. The leakage, if not caused by a fault, it requires many sequential operations. Difficult to improvise.

. Anche le cose sognano.. Regenesi .

THE ONASSIS Brianzola - After an extensive past (Tagliabue called "the Onassis Brianza), the company was hived off. Over most of the land should rise to a residential area built by the group Addamiano. Joke of the names: the - expensive reclamation permitting - new area will be called Ecocity. Giuseppe Tagliabue had already been investigated for violating the Seveso legislation that allows to store up to 2,500 tons of polluted material. The oil spill had reached the Adriatic. There were errors and excessive, according to environmentalists, assurances from the institutions. Errors: delays in rescue (to 2.30 spills, reporting to the operations room of the regional civil protection to 10.25). Assurances: il grosso delle tonnellate era stato recuperato, dunque i danni per l’ambiente erano stati contenuti. Vero o falso? GOMORRA E PARLAMENTO - Renato Vismara, docente di Ingegneria sanitaria ambientale al Politecnico, aveva subito detto: «Dei veleni alcuni viaggiano in superficie e possono essere fermati; altri viaggiano sott’acqua e non c’è niente da fare». Quale quantità di idrocarburi è rimasta ancorata? Quale si è depositata sugli argini? In questi mesi i Tagliabue, difesi dall’avvocato Giuseppe Bana, si sono professati innocenti. Semmai, in questa storia, hanno detto di essere soltanto vittime. Qualcuno ha evocato una Gomorra nostrana, in un territorio, tra Milano e Monza, infestato di discariche abusive. Demand an account of this, this morning, members of the Parliamentary Committee (chairman Gaetano Pecorella) on illegal activities in the waste cycle. Scheduled hearings. Beginning with the Attorney Brianza. Federico Berni Andrea Galli] THE ONASSIS Brianzola - After a rich past (Tagliabue called "the Onassis Brianza), the company was hived off. Over most of the land should rise to a residential area built by the group Addamiano. Joke of the names: the - expensive reclamation permitting - new area will be called Ecocity. Giuseppe Tagliabue had already been investigated for violating the Seveso legislation that allows to store up to 2,500 tons of polluted material. The oil spill had reached
all'Adriatico. C'erano stati errori ed eccessive, a detta degli ambientalisti, rassicurazioni dalle istituzioni. Gli errori: ritardi nei soccorsi (sversamento alle 2.30, segnalazione alla sala operativa della Protezione civile regionale alle 10.25). Le rassicurazioni: il grosso delle tonnellate era stato recuperato, dunque i danni per l'ambiente erano stati contenuti. Vero o falso?

GOMORRA E PARLAMENTO - Renato Vismara, docente di Ingegneria sanitaria ambientale al Politecnico, aveva subito detto: «Dei veleni alcuni viaggiano in superficie e possono essere fermati; altri viaggiano sott'acqua e non c'è niente da fare». Quale quantità di idrocarburi è rimasta ancorata? Quale si è depositata sugli argini? In these months, Tagliabue defended by Giuseppe Bana, have professed innocent. Rather, in this story said they were only victims. Someone mentioned a nostrana Gomorrah, in an area between Milan and Monza, infested with illegal dumping. Demand an account of this, this morning, members of the Parliamentary Committee (chairman Gaetano Pecorella) on illegal activities in the waste cycle. Scheduled hearings. Beginning with the Attorney Brianza.

Federico Berni Andrea Galli

. Macrolibrarsi.it un circuito per lettori senza limiti .


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