Friday, February 11, 2011

Pick The Winning Pick 3

Positive private visit to the new Ambassador of the Maracaibo of Italy in Venezuela, Paul Serpi

MARACAIBO - Due giorni importanti e densi di impegni soprattutto per verificare l’attuale situazione di emergenza che vive il Consolato d’Italia in Maracaibo che fa capo ai cinque stati dell’Occidente del Paese, Falcon, Merida, Táchira, Trujillo e Zulia, oltre alle Antille. I vertici di Comites e Cgie,  gli hanno esposto le difficoltà che attraversa il Consolato, nonostante la buona volontà del Console incaricato Dott. Fernando Curatolo, a causa della mancanza di personale e da più di un anno in attesa del nuovo Console. Maracaibo e la sua circoscrizione é senza dubbio una delle regioni more productive in the country and therefore of significant importance, and the Italian community resident here deserves more attention. Many problems, from kidnappings to expropriate.

After several meetings with institutions and the local press, some prominent figures of the Italian community were invited into the home of Dr. Curatolo to welcome him. The Ambassador has given its wide availability to meet the demands of their fellow countrymen, despite the drastic reduction of resources and thus of the ministerial staff. He explained that Italy does not forget the Italians in the world, much less in Venezuela, noting even Italy's willingness to foster the development of the country through its companies. Dr. Serpi wanted to cheer up the community by giving the news that the Consulate General of Italy has signed an agreement with Locatel for drug administration and by the end of the month sign an agreement for medical care with a network of clinics available on throughout the country. Thanks to the fellow countrymen will be able to refer to the Consulate in Caracas, Maracaibo and honorary consulates demonstrating its state of economic necessity to ask for the submission to an examination or the administration of medical care in a national network of clinics. While the Italians needing medical care should wait a few weeks, the Convention for the drugs with Locatel is already in force.

the Ambassador has been asked for a greater presence in the community, especially within the country.

Dr. Serpi highlighted the need for greater involvement of young people into the fabric of Italian society. To this end he wanted to meet privately at the offices of the Consulate in Maracaibo, with a representative of the young people of our community, Johnny Margiotta, founder and first president of the Italian-Venezuelan Youth Association, acted, with more than 2,000 young people enrolled in throughout Venezuela. In a long interview he wanted to hear from Margiotta needs and suggestions of the younger generation, giving all his help and commitment to initiate greater collaboration for the dissemination of Italian culture.

Ambassador has finally promised that it will not be his only visit to Maracaibo. Of course it will be very well received by community resident here. To reach Dr. Serpi

wishes for a good job. (Germany Pieri-Inform)


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