Monday, February 21, 2011

Can You Get Fingered With A Yeast Infectionn

Troppo fosforo e plastica negli oceani

Too much phosphorus and plastic in the oceans

. Anche le cose sognano.. Regenesi

UNEP: "To transform waste into valuable resources"

LIVORNO . According to the "Year Book 2011 - Emeerging issues in Our Global Environment" of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) "The significant amounts of phosphorus and plastic pipe in the world's oceans has a direct impact on the environment and highlight a global problem of management of this waste. "

Phosphorus, used mainly as a fertilizer is spilled in the oceans "Because of the ineffectiveness and the inability of agriculture to recycle waste water. These wastes, as well as those of other chemicals such as nitrogen and potassium, produce algae blooms harmful to water quality, fish stocks and tourism. In the U.S. alone, the cost of this pollution is estimated at more than $ 2 billion a year. At the global level, then comes to tens of billions of dollars. "

The main perpetrators of this type of pollution are the growing world population and intensive agricultural development between 1950 and 2000 produced a 600% increase in worldwide use of fertilizers containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium and UNEP states that "The figure is expected to ancora aumentare, tenuto conto dei bisogni alimentari crescenti dei Paesi in via di sviluppo».

L'altro inquietante problema messo in risalto dal rapporto dell'Unep รจ  l'impatto dei miliardi di frammenti di plastica di ogni dimensione che finiscono nei mari del pianeta e che «Hanno delle conseguenze dirette e indirette sula salute della fauna e l'ambiente marino».

Year Book 2011 cita una nuova ricerca secondo la quale «Questi frammenti di plastica possono assorbire una gamma di prodotti chimici tossici che si ritrovano nella catena alimentare, sono legati ai cancri ed hanno degli effetti sui processi riproduttivi degli esseri umani e della fauna». Per questo l'agenzia dell'Onu per l'ambiente stresses "the importance of implementing better management of waste in the world and improved models of consumption and production to help avoid such discharges.

The Director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, said that "Science is essential to help governments to set priorities for action on persistent and emerging challenges and these emerging issues will be the focus of the next 15 months and the preparation of UN World Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio next year. Phosphorus and plastics highlight the urgent need to bridge the gaps in scientific, but also catalyze a transition towards a green world efficient economy that will enable sustainable development and the struggle against poverty. "

Steiner then spoke about the commitments of the Rio Conference to be held 14 to 16 May 2012, 20 years after the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and 10 years after the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg: "A Rio, the emphasis will be placed on solutions and opportunities. What is phosphorus, plastics or any of the challenges facing the modern world is facing, there are clearly opportunities to produce new types of industries more efficient. " Steiner has applied for implementation of "A smarter management, to transform waste, and their impacts on the environment and health, in valuable resources. "


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