Monday, October 4, 2010

Value Of A Bernardelli 9c Model 60



Alla pregiatissima  Federazione di Abruzzesi in Venezuela.-

In nostro soggiorno in Italia è stata  un´esperienza indimenticabile. La vostra Federazione ci ha offerto una grandiosa opportunità.

Abbiamo avuto l´onore di essere ricevute cordialmente e con riguardo da persone splendide quali il presidente della Regione Abruzzese il Dottor Pagano ed i suoi collaboratori, in particolare il suo Segretario Dott. D’Urbano. In ogni momento ci siamo sentite sempre ben guídate ed a nostro agio grazie all´impegno costante e dalla pazienza di Johnny che ringraziamo dal profondo del cuore. Grazie a Milena che è stata una professoressa straordinaria, le lezioni sono state molto didattiche e dinamiche, divertenti ed interessanti. Ci ha fatto apprezzare la lingua e la cultura. Ci siamo confortate ed integrate con la realtá locale visitando i luoghi  piú frequentati, come l´università e da persone di ogni età, come ad esempio i centri commerciali.

Grazie a mezzi messi a disposizione dalla Regione di Abruzzo abbiamo potuto visitare varie cittá, come Scanno, Pescara, Montesilvano, Sulmona, Penne, Ortona e Roma. Ci siamo commosse molto visitando L´Aquila toccando con mano la distruzione, abbiamo visitato luoghi che sono ricostruiti ed abbiamo apprezzato molto gli sforzi fatti.

Gli Abruzzesi hanno espresso la gratitudine viziandoci anche a tavola.

Abbiamo assaggiato deliziosi piatti tipici che vogliamo sicuramente riproporre alle nostre famiglie in Venezuela.

É was a unique experience that created empathy and friendships that will last forever.

Thank you. "

With these simple but heartfelt words, the ten young daughters or grandchildren of Abruzzo resident in Venezuela who participated in last November to " Abruzzo Miss Venezuela in 2009, expressed at the top of the Federation of Associations of Abruzzo their gratitude and enthusiasm for the study holiday propitiated by the Regional Council of Abruzzo, thanks to President Pagano, on the interest of the Council Cram Johnny Margiotta, who along with dynamic and extremely available Presidency Secretary Dr. Guido D'Urbano organized the program of their stay in Abruzzo. Experience, according to any of them, apoteosica.

This is thanks to the kindness and sympathy from all of them confidential, by the Mayor of Scanno , Patrick Giammarco, who gave the girls a very fine gold filigree pendant, and in Abruzzo where Miss Venezuela 2009 Valeria Perez Segnini Lucente, originally from Pratola Peligna, was able to wear the typical dress Scanno. From

Master Tailor Angelo Petrucci , the tailor who dresses the most famous man in the world, the 'Brioni' of Penne, factory clothing for men and women proudly Made in Italy, who led the youth throughout the plant with a real stage, step by step process on the clothes they wear heads of state, celebrities and VIPs worldwide.

From the President of the Board of Directors of Molino Alimonti , Ortona, Alimonti Leonardo, who after leading a very interesting visit to the various sections of the industry, offered them a sumptuous lunch prepared by master pizza establishment.

The same prime minister who received it with all the honors in the Regional Council Aquila, after covering torn streets of the city protected by the earthquake last year Fire , and where, thanks to the care of Johnny Margiotta, cameras Rai International have taken over the day with a service that will be aired on Italy Italy calls , Thursday 7 October .

And yet, visit the ancient walls of the city of Sulmona that has intrigued not just the people, and a lunch offered by President Pagano with the presence of the Mayor of Pescara, Luigi Mascia Albore.

Finally, a last gift, a trip to Rome that girls are very appreciated.

the evening before their return to Venezuela, including the Grand Hotel Montesilvano that he hosted for the entire stay, gave them a farewell dinner with cake.

one should not forget that some of these young people have never had the opportunity to travel to Abruzzo and do not even know the Italian language. This course offered by the Regional Council therefore has a double significance. And the support of their parents, who allowed it to carry out this trip, it's certainly paid off with great satisfaction.

The Federation of Associations of Abruzzo, which has the advantage of contributing to the awakening of associations in Venezuela continues well on its way of shows and events with the aim of involving the younger generation to pass on the culture of their region of origin of their fathers, and the opening to all the associations that support the Abruzzi.

From November 24 to 27, in fact, will host the Second WEEK ABRUZZESE with the election of "Miss Abruzzo 2010, in the Andean city of San Cristobal, involving all ten members of the Federation of Associations this year with the presence of the jury representative of Venezuela in Miss Italy in the World. A week that will serve as the spread of Italian culture and Abruzzo, that will cover various areas: social, folklore, tourist, sports, but will serve primarily as an opportunity for sharing among fellow fraternal days.

Germana Pieri


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