Sunday, October 24, 2010

Household Lubricants Other Than Ky

Muestra Photography "The Courage of Hope", the Association en Abruzzo de Caracas

October 17 at our headquarters was inaugurated the photographic exhibition "Il Coraggio della Speranza," sponsored by Dr. Nazario Pagano, President of the Regional Council of Abruzzo. The photographic exhibition has toured several cities in the country since the first week Abruzzese (held at Centro Italiano Venezolano de Caracas in November last year) to complete its itinerary next November during the celebration of the Second Week to be held in San Abruzzese Cristobal.

The sample mounting and decoration of it, was in charge of the younger partner and Graphic Designer, Laura Sale, whose family is originally Aquilano (own the area devastated by the earthquake). The sample was located on the second floor of our headquarters in construction as a symbol of the reconstruction work being carried out currently in Abruzzo, the black cloth symbolizes the pain and grief that hit L'Aquila that April 6 and strings represent all the rescuers who worked day and night for help and save the lives of those who were trapped in the rubble.

The representative of Venezuela to the CRAM, Gabriela Marcacci, dirigió unas palabras de carácter institucional a los asistentes para informar sobre el sentido de la muestra y su finalidad en sensibilizar al visitante sobre la magnitud de la destrucción y el drama humano visto desde la óptica de los fotógrafos profesionales. Igualmente informó a la audiencia sobre las próximas etapas de la muestra (Maracaibo y San Cristóbal), así como de la Semana Abruzzese que la Federación de las Asociaciones Abruzzeses en Venezuela prepara en San Cristóbal del 24 al 28 de noviembre próximo. Por último, informó a la colectividad Abruzzese de Caracas que el Dr. Pagano ha sido electo Presidente del CARLE (Consejo que agrupa a los Parlamentarios Regionales de la Unión Europea) y la importancia that is their choice on the projection of the Abruzzo Region in the European context.

then President of the Association in Venezuela Abruzzese, Giovanna Spadorcia, welcomed and thanked the participation of those present on behalf of the Association, also thanked all members who helped organize the activity.

Our Miss Abruzzo Caracas 2009, Ms. Sandra Di Scipio, gave a few words in Italy, where he stated that it was an honor to her that the Association had granted him the privilege of cutting the ribbon to the photo exhibition sponsored by the Dr. Pagano, also thanked Association have been able to participate in the Miss Abruzzo, an event that opened the possibility of activities within the modeling world, attending an Italian course in the Abruzzo Region for young Miss Abruzzo 2009 and represent the Capital District in the next Miss Teen. Encouraged the youth of the Association to actively participate in the Association, she is an example that there are opportunities for young people and interest them.

This was followed by the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition and a toast. As is customary on Sundays in the community who meet at our headquarters Abruzzese, Father Yoel celebró la Santa Misa en la Capilla de San Gabriel; y al mediodía se sirvió el almuerzo con platos y dulces típicos Abruzzeses.

La Asociación quiere agradecer especialmente al Presidente de la Federación de las Asociaciones Campani in Venezuela, Sr. Enzo Maniglia; y al Presidente de la Federación de Asociaciones Abruzzesi e Molisani, Sr. Pasquale Di Pasquale por habernos acompañado en esta jornada.

Agradecemos a nuestro amigo, Clemente Fantini por la realización de este hermoso video sobre el acto inaugural de la muestra "Il Coraggio della Speranza" y por el apoyo que siempre nos ha brindado:


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