Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Sono stati due agenti della polizia del “Municipio Plaza” dello Stato Bolìvar. Ma le indagini del “Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penáles y Criminalisticas” sono ancora in corso e non si scarta che possano condurre all’arresto di altri agenti di polizia

CARACAS - Sono stati due agenti della polizia del “Municipio Plaza” dello Stato Bolìvar. Ma le indagini del “Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penáles y Criminalisticas” sono ancora in corso e non si scarta che possano condurre all’arresto di altri agenti di polizia. E’ stata così fatta luce sugli autori, arrestati ieri, del sequestro e assassinato del young compatriot Giancarlo Colasante, which occurred on November 3 last year.

The director of "scientific" Wilmer Flores Trosel, reported yesterday that police officers were integral part of a gang of criminals who engage in kidnappings and robberies. In fact, in the area of \u200b\u200bManpote along the highway Guarenas-Caracas, was found an apartment with a "cell", which is presumed criminals locked up the victims.

addition to the two police officers, Hilario Perez Aponte Vladimir Rengifo Vásquez and Orlando, were arrested, Luis Navarro, Gilberto Flores, who was wanted for murder, and Jose Guillermo Fernández Urrutia, a character known to as police arrested several times for theft and drug dealing, and Kleiderson Alberto Luna, incensutato. The Director of

Cicpc also informed that the gang of criminals above all Guarene and operated in the State of Miranda. After the discovery of the body of the young Colasante, the police opened the investigation that led to the arrest of three integral components of the first band and then, yesterday, that of two police officers.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Female Glory Hole Columbus Ohio

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Are The Thesis Statement On Abortion


chapa abruzzofinallll Prende il via, con l’arrivo il prossimo 23 novembre nella Cittá andina di San Cristobal, nello Stato Táchira, la Seconda SETTIMANA ABRUZZESE.

La rassegna si svolgerá nell’accogliente Centro Italo´-Venezuelano, sito su una collina dalla quale si puó godere di uno stupendo panorama.

Una manifestazione che vuole servire da "trait d’union" tra i corregionali in Venezuela con gli italiani e venezuelani residenti nel Paese, about friendship and dell'abruzzesitá. The program includes moments

socio-cultural, gastronomic and folkloric, guided tours of the city and the most picturesque towns in the area, the Assembly (the latest year 2010) of the Associations that make up the Federation and will culminate on Saturday 27 at 8:00 pm in the hall of the Centre Leonardo Da Vinci Italo Andes, with the election of ABRUZZO IN MISS VENEZUELA 2010.

Building on the success achieved last year in Caracas, the beauty contest among the ten representatives of the Associations Abruzzi returns with greater prestige and importance.

For the occasion, in fact, will present the highest authorities of Táchira State, the Governor Cesar Perez Vivas, the Mayor of San Cristóbal originally from Abruzzo, Monica de Mendez, consular representatives of different nations, the ecclesiastical, military and Andean University, as well as the highest representatives of the Italian State in Venezuela, the presidents of Regional Associations in the area (Veneto, Tuscany, Puglia, Campania, Fogolar Furlan, Marche, Abruzzo, Sicily). They will also present the three representatives of the CRAM, Maria Gabriella Marcacci, Mirtha D'Astolfo and Johnnny Margiotta. From Abruzzo reach the products offered by dociari Nurzia Brothers, with the famous nougat and macaroons, and dinner will be watered thoroughly from Montepulciano D'Abruzzo Wine Cellars Brotherhood of Nestor of Nocciano.

the Miss ABRUZZO was born with the intention of involving young people in realizing associative events of interest to them. Will be ten girls who will open the event with un'opening together with a professional dance troupe, will be presented later with the traditional clothing of Abruzzo, will parade in swimwear and finally in gala dress.

A full program for a show of great relevance, particularly for younger candidates. During the evening, some participants in the 2009 Miss Abruzzo take their testimony on visita in Abruzzo, lo scorso settembre, ospiti del Consiglio Regionale e del Presidente Nazario Pagano, per un viaggio studio indimenticabile. La Federazione spera che anche l’anno prossimo si possa ripetere l’esperienza per queste nuove fanciulle, affinché conoscano da vicino la loro terra d’origine e ne diffondano le sue bellezze e la sua cultura.

miss abruzzio

Germana Pieri, L’ITALO, Maracaibo

Monday, November 15, 2010

Filmes Italianos De Incesto Gratis


image Científicos de trece países, entre ellos España, han firmado un consenso internacional sobre los carbohidratos y los beneficios que aportan para la salud, con el que quieren poner el acento en not fat nor are responsible for obesity.

This pact, signed earlier this month in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) under the Fourth World Pasta Congress, has been driven by the U.S. organization Oldways, author in 1993, together with the World Health Organization in the famous Food Guide Pyramid.

The professor of physiology at the University of Murcia Marta Garaulet, the English representative in this international group, which includes researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Canada, USA, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Turkey and Venezuela, has stressed that these micronutrients are not behind the alarming rise in obesity and that excess calories which pushes up the scale.

Garaulet said that at this time when obesity and diabetes are increasing worldwide, not just in developed Western countries, pasta and other foods of low glycemic index can help control blood sugar levels blood and weight, and explained that very low carbohydrate diets are not healthy, especially in the long term.

This professor, Doctor of Pharmacy and Master in Public Health from Harvard University, and directs a research project of the Ministry of Education chronobiology and obesity, said that high-fat diet, those considered "miracle" with the high protein, have adverse effects on blood vessels, which are not reflected in plasma markers, decreased cognitive ability, causing imbalances in minerals and are behind other minor effects such as halitosis, hair loss and headaches.

Garaulet added that, as evidenced in this World Congress, has been shown that after a long-term dietary intervention with the same calorie menus and different proportions of nutrients, three types of monitoring gave rise to weight loss similar, irrespective de las proporciones de nutrientes.

Sin embargo, según esta investigadora, a pesar de presentar pérdidas de peso semejantes, el porcentaje de abandono de las dietas hiperproteicas se sitúa en el 75%; el de las hipergrasas, en cerca del 50%, y en menos del 40% en quienes siguieron una dieta equilibrada.

“Si tenemos en cuenta que el individuo debe aprender a comer para mantener el peso deseado durante toda la vida, la mejor dieta del mundo no sirve de nada si no se puede seguir a largo plazo”, defiende esta profesora.

Asimismo, ha alertado de que se está poniendo de moda etiquetar ciertos alimentos con el indicativo “bajo en carbohidratos”, y ha dicho que lo más Surprisingly, not only happens in countries like USA, Canada, Spain or Portugal, where about 47% of women say they are constantly on a diet, but in other places on earth where most of the population goes hungry.

On the coexistence of hunger, malnutrition and obesity, Marta Garaulet explained that in Colombia, Chile and Argentina may coincide in the same family obese mothers and children malnourished, hungry and are obese, so that she should stop talking about undernutrition and overnutrition to go to called "malnutrition" to what is happening.

has ensured that this astonishing situation only alcanza comiendo la llamada ‘fast food’ de elevada densidad calórica y muy baja densidad en nutrientes, y ha puesto como ejemplo que un niño puede estar obeso, y pasar hambre, con el consumo de dos litros de refresco al día y una bolsa de patatas fritas como único alimento.

“La dieta se ha de entender como un todo, y se ha de comer una variedad de carbohidratos, grasas y proteínas saludables”, ha concluido Garaulet, quien afirma que “en contra de lo esperado, comer sano, según demuestran los estudios económicos, es todavía más barato que comer insano”.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Free Plans To Build A 2 Seater Sandrail



La Asociación de Jóvenes Italo Venezolanos (AGIV) se une al dolor de la familia Colasante, en representación de los 13 jovenes que viajamos a Italia a la "Conferencia Mundial Giovani Italiani Nel Mondo" con Giancarlo y que en muchas oportunidades, en reuniones y encuentros juveniles nacionales en pro de la fundación de AGIV tuvimos la dicha de conocerlo y compartir con el, queremos hacerles llegar nuestro sentir y profunda tristeza a su familia y personas cercanas. Giancarlo, al igual que muchas otras personas, pertenecientes a la Comunidad Italiana en Venezuela, ha sido víctima del hampa en nuestro País, y por consecuencia lo hemos perdido. Confiemos en la justicia divina y en el tiempo perfecto de Dios, un mensaje de esperanza y fé en el recuentro eterno entre Giancarlo y las personas que sienten su ausencia.


Junta Directiva AGIV

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Display All Combinations 16,4


Quasi un anno fá, nella sala consigliare dell’Aquila, durante l’insediamento del nuovo CRAM, il quale rappresento nell’America Latina, ho voluto prendere la parola e gentilmente mi é stata concessa dal neo eletto Pres. del Cram Mauro Febbo, proprio per rafforzare la sua definizione degli Abruzzesi all’estero: “gli Ambasciatori commerciali nel Mondo”.

Dissi che ero “stufo”, si proprio cosí.. “stufo” di ascoltare discorsi sulla crisi economica che attraversa l’Abruzzo che certamente é generata da molteplici fattori intrinsechi fra di loro e condizionata soprattutto dal terribile terremoto dell’aprile 2009.

Ma é ora di reagire!

Con tutto rispetto chiesi di iniziare un dialogo con noi Abruzzesi all’estero, visto che siamo i conoscitori della nostra realtá, siamo in tanti: nonni, genitori figli e nipoti con un gran sentimento di Patria. Solo in Venezuela siamo in 20 mila iscritti all’Aire…Organizzati in Federazioni, e singole Asociazioni che operano sul territorio.

Da semplice consumatore, mi domando come mai nei supermercati venezuelani troviamo in un 70 % prodotti agroalimentari di ogni parte del mondo, rispetto a solo il 30% della presenza dei prodotti italiani, non parliamo poi degli abruzzesi che a parte la pasta ed olio d’Oliva De Cecco la presenza é nulla.

La domanda é… forse i nostri prodotti non sono competitivi? Forse é una questione di mancanza d’interesse dei produttori Abruzzesi al mercato latino Americano o semplicemente guardiamo l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese come una kimera?

É anche certo che la condizione politica e quindi la stabilitá dell’economia interna venezuelana non gode il suo miglior momento, ma ci sono dati che fanno pensare. In questo momento il Governo ha stanziato per l’importazione 18 milioni di dollari in piú rispetto ai 15 milioni dell’anno scorso, parliamo di un 15 % di guadagni in piú che vanno alla Cina, Stati Uniti, Spagna, Argentina e Brasile. I prodotti che importa sono: medicine per uso umano, olio di soia, pezzi per catene di montaggio, maiz giallo, grani, strumenti elettromedici, prodotti immunologici, latte in polvere intera, grassi e oli…ecc…

Quindi il maggior importatore del Venezuela é il Governo. Come arrivarci? Come ha giá detto il Presidente della Federazione Abruzzesi in Venezuela, la nostra operativitá associativa va oltre alle semplici dinners and cultural events that we organize for passion and love for their fellow members, we are professionals, entrepreneurs are able, thanks to the wonderful relationships we have with the Italian system, in bringing about institutional meetings with regional representatives and traders.

As for how to do business, data and knowledge sectors and modes of investment to draw Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, which play an important role in the area, should not be underestimated.

So why not rely on our association? The potential is there, the means are lacking only the interest ...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where Is The Taklamakan Desert On The World Map


Almost a years ago, in the Council Chamber of the Eagle, during the inauguration of the new CRAM, which represent Latin America, I wanted to speak and I was kindly granted by the newly elected Pres of the Cram Mauro Febbo, just to strengthen its definition of Abruzzo abroad, "the Ambassadors in the commercial world."

I said I was "fed up" is just so .. "Tired" of listening to speeches on the economic crisis in the Abruzzo region that has certainly generated a number of factors intrinsic to each other and especially conditioned by the terrible earthquake in 2009.

But it's time to react!

With all respect I asked him to begin a dialogue with us Abruzzese abroad, since we are the experts of our reality, we are many: grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren with a great sense of homeland. Only in Venezuela we are 20 000 registered in the AIRE ... organized in federations, and individuals operating within Asocio.

From a consumer, I wonder why supermarkets are at a 70% Venezuelan food products all over the world, compared to only 30% of the presence of Italian products, not to mention that part of the Abruzzese pasta and olive oil Olive De Cecco presence is nothing.

The question is ... maybe Our products are not competitive? Perhaps it is a matter of lack of interest of producers in Abruzzo Latin American market or simply look at the internationalization of firms as a Kimera?

is also certain that the political condition and therefore the stability of the domestic economy in Venezuela does not have his best moment, but there are no data to suggest. At this time the Government has committed to import $ 18 million in more than 15 million last year, we are talking about a 15% gain in more that go to China, USA, Spain, Argentina and Brazil. The products we import are: medicine for human use, soybean oil, pieces assembly lines, yellow maiz, beans, medical electrical instruments, immunological products, whole milk powder, fats and oils ... etc. ... So

the largest importer of Venezuela and the Government. How to get there? As already said the President of the Federation of Abruzzi in Venezuela, our membership goes beyond the simple operability dinners and cultural events that we organize for passion and love for their fellow members, we are professionals, entrepreneurs are able, thanks to the wonderful relationships we have with the Italian system, bringing about institutional meetings with representatives of regional and economic operators.

As for how to do business, data and knowledge areas mode and draw investment to the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, which play an important role in the area, should not be underestimated.

So why not rely on our association? The potential is there, the means are lacking only the interest ...

How To Distinguish Herpes

INTERNATIONAL FORUMS Entrepreneurs Abruzzo World


We have just concluded the First International Forum Abruzzesi Entrepreneurs in the World "organized by Confederation of Pescara in collaboration with" Abruzzo in the World. " Opening the meeting Marramiero Henry, President of Confindustria Pescara, said: "When entrepreneurs Abruzzese and Italian travel the world, touch and share the success of their products. These medium-sized businesses are the heart of our system and the entire country. It is time to enhance them further, to help them grow, along with many of their small led, in their international outlook. We must make better use of available technologies applicable to the traditional sectors, we must raise the level of innovation of products, invest more on quality and brands, provide more services to customers, take root in foreign markets. Internationalization is the great challenge of the next year a decision on which Confindustria aims. They are no longer rinviabili il riordino e la razionalizzazione degli Enti che si occupano di internazionalizzazione. Bisogna, infatti, garantire alle imprese che affrontano i mercati esteri un quadro giuridico ed economico certo ed efficace. La riforma dell’intera governance di questi enti (in particolare ICE e SIMEST) è ora nelle mani del Governo, grazie alla delega ricevuta dal Parlamento (Legge n. 99/2009) e Confindustria è impegnata a garantire che si arrivi all’assetto più efficiente.”

Moderati da Nino GERMANO, Giornalista RAI, gli ospiti presso la sede di Confindustria Pescara e in videoconferenza da oltre oceano hanno dato vita ad un vivace dibattito. Sono intervenuti:

Mauro Angelucci, President of Confindustria Abruzzo

Alfredo Castiglione, Vice President Regional Council of Abruzzo

Giuseppe ANGELI, MP elected in the South America, part III of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Community

Antonio PROSPERO, a member of CRAM, Regional Council of Abruzzo World

Andrea Di Renzo Editore Abruzzo World Alessandro Addario, Director of Confindustria Abruzzo Internationalization

Sonia OF MAXIMUM Director Abruzzo World

Ospite della tavola rotonda anche Franco SANTELLOCCO, Vice Presidente CIM Confederazione degli Imprenditori Italiani nel Mondo. Con un collegamento in videoconferenza hanno portato la loro testimonianza sul fare impresa i Presidenti di alcuni Club e Federazioni di Abruzzesi all’estero, e un panel di Imprenditori da oltreoceano: dal Brasile, con Rita Blasioli Costa , Consigliere CRAM e presidente del Comites della Circoscrizione Consolare di San Paolo Franco Marchetti , Consigliere CRAM – Imprenditore; dall’Argentina, con Marcelo Castello , Presidente FARA; Fittipaldi della Camera di Commercio Italiana di Rosario e Domenico Di Tullio Imprenditore e Consulente per lo sviluppo immobiliare; per FEDAMO with John Scenna, Councillor CRAM, Entrepreneur of the machinery sector, from Venezuela, with John Margiotta, President of the Federation of Abruzzi in Venezuela and entrepreneurs active in the distribution of raw materials for restaurants, Germana Pieri Journalist and Johnny Margiotta, Director Latin America and owner CRAM a radio station with a catchment area of \u200b\u200b3 million people in Maracaibo.

Nazario Pagan, president of the Regional Council of Abruzzo, was unable to attend for institutional commitments, wanted to send his greetings to the important Forum, stating that "as a ruling class we offer companies operating in the region further supporto, ovvero una “copertura istituzionale”, attraverso cui favorire l’attività di sviluppo economico sui mercati internazionali”. Il Direttore Generale di Confindustria Pescara Luigi DI GIOSAFFATTE ha ricordato: “L’evento ha avuto l’obiettivo di creare occasioni di incontro e confronto tra imprenditori abruzzesi residenti nella Regione e in altre aree del mondo, al fine di condividere progetti di sviluppo, di collaborazione e conoscenza reciproca”.

L’ideatore del Forum, Alessandro ADDARI, componente del Comitato di Presidenza di Confindustria Pescara e Delegato Regionale per l’Internazionalizzazione ha coinvolto Abruzzo nel Mondo, in persona di Andrea Di Renzo e Sonia Di Massimo, che hanno curato le relazioni con le delegazioni estere. “L’ottica del “fare rete”, afferma Addari, deve sempre più essere al centro delle strategie di sviluppo e il tutto non può che partire dalla conoscenza tra imprenditori e istituzioni, utilizzando al meglio la tecnologia, occorre sperimentare approcci innovativi all’Internazionalizzazione che partono dalla conoscenza della cultura, del fare impresa e dallo scambio di idee e buone prassi”. Attraverso uno specifico Forum, che resterà disponibile dalla home page , è già possibile interagire con gli imprenditori all’estero e con gli altri partecipanti e mantenere i contatti successiva anche all'evento. Dell'iniziativa technical sponsor, MICS.

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Muestra Photography "The Courage of Hope", the Association en Abruzzo de Caracas

October 17 at our headquarters was inaugurated the photographic exhibition "Il Coraggio della Speranza," sponsored by Dr. Nazario Pagano, President of the Regional Council of Abruzzo. The photographic exhibition has toured several cities in the country since the first week Abruzzese (held at Centro Italiano Venezolano de Caracas in November last year) to complete its itinerary next November during the celebration of the Second Week to be held in San Abruzzese Cristobal.

The sample mounting and decoration of it, was in charge of the younger partner and Graphic Designer, Laura Sale, whose family is originally Aquilano (own the area devastated by the earthquake). The sample was located on the second floor of our headquarters in construction as a symbol of the reconstruction work being carried out currently in Abruzzo, the black cloth symbolizes the pain and grief that hit L'Aquila that April 6 and strings represent all the rescuers who worked day and night for help and save the lives of those who were trapped in the rubble.

The representative of Venezuela to the CRAM, Gabriela Marcacci, dirigió unas palabras de carácter institucional a los asistentes para informar sobre el sentido de la muestra y su finalidad en sensibilizar al visitante sobre la magnitud de la destrucción y el drama humano visto desde la óptica de los fotógrafos profesionales. Igualmente informó a la audiencia sobre las próximas etapas de la muestra (Maracaibo y San Cristóbal), así como de la Semana Abruzzese que la Federación de las Asociaciones Abruzzeses en Venezuela prepara en San Cristóbal del 24 al 28 de noviembre próximo. Por último, informó a la colectividad Abruzzese de Caracas que el Dr. Pagano ha sido electo Presidente del CARLE (Consejo que agrupa a los Parlamentarios Regionales de la Unión Europea) y la importancia that is their choice on the projection of the Abruzzo Region in the European context.

then President of the Association in Venezuela Abruzzese, Giovanna Spadorcia, welcomed and thanked the participation of those present on behalf of the Association, also thanked all members who helped organize the activity.

Our Miss Abruzzo Caracas 2009, Ms. Sandra Di Scipio, gave a few words in Italy, where he stated that it was an honor to her that the Association had granted him the privilege of cutting the ribbon to the photo exhibition sponsored by the Dr. Pagano, also thanked Association have been able to participate in the Miss Abruzzo, an event that opened the possibility of activities within the modeling world, attending an Italian course in the Abruzzo Region for young Miss Abruzzo 2009 and represent the Capital District in the next Miss Teen. Encouraged the youth of the Association to actively participate in the Association, she is an example that there are opportunities for young people and interest them.

This was followed by the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition and a toast. As is customary on Sundays in the community who meet at our headquarters Abruzzese, Father Yoel celebró la Santa Misa en la Capilla de San Gabriel; y al mediodía se sirvió el almuerzo con platos y dulces típicos Abruzzeses.

La Asociación quiere agradecer especialmente al Presidente de la Federación de las Asociaciones Campani in Venezuela, Sr. Enzo Maniglia; y al Presidente de la Federación de Asociaciones Abruzzesi e Molisani, Sr. Pasquale Di Pasquale por habernos acompañado en esta jornada.

Agradecemos a nuestro amigo, Clemente Fantini por la realización de este hermoso video sobre el acto inaugural de la muestra "Il Coraggio della Speranza" y por el apoyo que siempre nos ha brindado:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jcpenney Prices For Haircuts

Párrocos Italianos Tocane las Campanas de la iglesia con el iPhone

image An unusual innovation is taking place at a parish in the town of Chiari, Italy.
This town is famous for producing highly skilled restorers of bells and many of the 20 000 local people have a family history in the craft of bells.
Rubagotti brothers, Luca and Giacomo are no exception. "We've been doing this job forever. We are craftsmen, "dicen.Su father Carlos learned his trade in the bells of the town factory, now closed, making it one of the first to attempt to build de campanas motorizadas.
Hoy en día muchas campanas se controlan por sistemas eléctricos que se pueden programar para que repiquen en determinados momentos y en numerosas ocasiones.Los hermanos Rubagotti heredaron de su padre la pasión por la innovación.Pero incluso dentro de su mundo de antiguas tradiciones, ellos también tienen la intención de empujar los límites y ahí es donde su amigo de la infancia Giorgio Campiotti entra a jugar un papel esencial.
Giorgio es un experto en informática y fue capaz llevar a la práctica la visión de los hermanos Rubagotti mediante la creación de un programa que permitía a los sacerdotes operar las campanas de la iglesia a distancia, lo que significa que no tendrían to be physically within the iglesia.Ahora priests can get their smart phones, load an application and campanas.Están bend very far these days in each tower of every church lived a ringer, in charge of ringing the bells each hour.
And now that the number of priests has decreased in Italy, Giorgio says being able to operate several churches at the same time is a godsend. "Fewer and fewer priests in Italy for what they have to manage and take care of churches, two or three at least. So a remote system can help a priest who has to be in two or three places at once, "he adds.
The application contains hundreds of different combinations, making it very easy for the priest, who can choose how you want the bells ring. A sexton, Silvano, who took advantage of the idea, use it to manage their campaigns. "The different colors are ready. Go to the library of sounds and you can choose a different one. I have only to select the I want, select the play button and start the tune. "The system is 100% automatic. I can schedule it for a year and the bells will ring alone, "he adds.
Although the church is not the place naturally expect to find people on the cusp de la innovación tecnológica, los hermanos Rubagotti están gratamente sorprendidos por la asimilación de los sacerdotes.
Fuente: Publimetro México

Monday, October 4, 2010

Value Of A Bernardelli 9c Model 60



Alla pregiatissima  Federazione di Abruzzesi in Venezuela.-

In nostro soggiorno in Italia è stata  un´esperienza indimenticabile. La vostra Federazione ci ha offerto una grandiosa opportunità.

Abbiamo avuto l´onore di essere ricevute cordialmente e con riguardo da persone splendide quali il presidente della Regione Abruzzese il Dottor Pagano ed i suoi collaboratori, in particolare il suo Segretario Dott. D’Urbano. In ogni momento ci siamo sentite sempre ben guídate ed a nostro agio grazie all´impegno costante e dalla pazienza di Johnny che ringraziamo dal profondo del cuore. Grazie a Milena che è stata una professoressa straordinaria, le lezioni sono state molto didattiche e dinamiche, divertenti ed interessanti. Ci ha fatto apprezzare la lingua e la cultura. Ci siamo confortate ed integrate con la realtá locale visitando i luoghi  piú frequentati, come l´università e da persone di ogni età, come ad esempio i centri commerciali.

Grazie a mezzi messi a disposizione dalla Regione di Abruzzo abbiamo potuto visitare varie cittá, come Scanno, Pescara, Montesilvano, Sulmona, Penne, Ortona e Roma. Ci siamo commosse molto visitando L´Aquila toccando con mano la distruzione, abbiamo visitato luoghi che sono ricostruiti ed abbiamo apprezzato molto gli sforzi fatti.

Gli Abruzzesi hanno espresso la gratitudine viziandoci anche a tavola.

Abbiamo assaggiato deliziosi piatti tipici che vogliamo sicuramente riproporre alle nostre famiglie in Venezuela.

É was a unique experience that created empathy and friendships that will last forever.

Thank you. "

With these simple but heartfelt words, the ten young daughters or grandchildren of Abruzzo resident in Venezuela who participated in last November to " Abruzzo Miss Venezuela in 2009, expressed at the top of the Federation of Associations of Abruzzo their gratitude and enthusiasm for the study holiday propitiated by the Regional Council of Abruzzo, thanks to President Pagano, on the interest of the Council Cram Johnny Margiotta, who along with dynamic and extremely available Presidency Secretary Dr. Guido D'Urbano organized the program of their stay in Abruzzo. Experience, according to any of them, apoteosica.

This is thanks to the kindness and sympathy from all of them confidential, by the Mayor of Scanno , Patrick Giammarco, who gave the girls a very fine gold filigree pendant, and in Abruzzo where Miss Venezuela 2009 Valeria Perez Segnini Lucente, originally from Pratola Peligna, was able to wear the typical dress Scanno. From

Master Tailor Angelo Petrucci , the tailor who dresses the most famous man in the world, the 'Brioni' of Penne, factory clothing for men and women proudly Made in Italy, who led the youth throughout the plant with a real stage, step by step process on the clothes they wear heads of state, celebrities and VIPs worldwide.

From the President of the Board of Directors of Molino Alimonti , Ortona, Alimonti Leonardo, who after leading a very interesting visit to the various sections of the industry, offered them a sumptuous lunch prepared by master pizza establishment.

The same prime minister who received it with all the honors in the Regional Council Aquila, after covering torn streets of the city protected by the earthquake last year Fire , and where, thanks to the care of Johnny Margiotta, cameras Rai International have taken over the day with a service that will be aired on Italy Italy calls , Thursday 7 October .

And yet, visit the ancient walls of the city of Sulmona that has intrigued not just the people, and a lunch offered by President Pagano with the presence of the Mayor of Pescara, Luigi Mascia Albore.

Finally, a last gift, a trip to Rome that girls are very appreciated.

the evening before their return to Venezuela, including the Grand Hotel Montesilvano that he hosted for the entire stay, gave them a farewell dinner with cake.

one should not forget that some of these young people have never had the opportunity to travel to Abruzzo and do not even know the Italian language. This course offered by the Regional Council therefore has a double significance. And the support of their parents, who allowed it to carry out this trip, it's certainly paid off with great satisfaction.

The Federation of Associations of Abruzzo, which has the advantage of contributing to the awakening of associations in Venezuela continues well on its way of shows and events with the aim of involving the younger generation to pass on the culture of their region of origin of their fathers, and the opening to all the associations that support the Abruzzi.

From November 24 to 27, in fact, will host the Second WEEK ABRUZZESE with the election of "Miss Abruzzo 2010, in the Andean city of San Cristobal, involving all ten members of the Federation of Associations this year with the presence of the jury representative of Venezuela in Miss Italy in the World. A week that will serve as the spread of Italian culture and Abruzzo, that will cover various areas: social, folklore, tourist, sports, but will serve primarily as an opportunity for sharing among fellow fraternal days.

Germana Pieri


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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wedding Pregnant Birth Games

The Tailor of Penne

image Angelo Petrucci , 38 anni è master tailor di Brioni , maison fondata nel 1945 con sede a Penne d'Abruzzo e un fatturato di 206,5 million to € . And 'he couturier the richest and most powerful men in the world. He travels more than 130 days a year to reach its customers. He dressed in two special agents: Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig. clothes for Donald Trump, Mandela, Schroeder, Kofi Annan , Prince Andrew of England and the Sultan of Malaysia.

I call Teacher?

No. I'm just a tailor.
Yes, but she is the tailor of men the most important and powerful del mondo.
Ho iniziato questo lavoro a 14 anni. Ho frequentato la Scuola Superiore di Sartoria Nazareno Fonticoli, uno dei soci fondatori di Brioni, oggi dopo anni di esperienza posso dire di aver avuto come clienti almeno 24 Capi di stato.
Anche molti  presidenti americani?
Soprattutto, ma non voglio fare i nomi, diciamo molti ex presidenti.  
Sa però che Barack Obama ha deciso di vestirsi Canali?
E' sempre un marchio made in Italy.  
Come avviene di solito l'incontro con il cliente?
E' molto semplice: parliamo e poi mi metto all'opera. Prima prendo le misure, poi scegliamo i tessuti e dopo qualche giorno gli spedisco l'abito.
Anche con i clienti vip?
Certo basta non farsi impressionare dal loro potere. Ogni cliente è speciale per Brioni .  
Perché tutti questi uomini scelgono Brioni?
Per la qualità e l tradizione sartoriale. Ci vogliono almeno 22 ore per realizzare un completo, 220 passaggi di lavorazione, 440 mani diverse all'opera. Minimo 80 ironing process. The points made by hand on a jacket ranging from 5000 to 12000. Let me explain a suit of Brioni suit is not easy to measure hand made . It 'a dress that enhances you. It 'a leader who does not feel the trends. A dress wearing now as tomorrow.
There is the perfect outfit? Each piece of
Brioni is perfect. Let me explain with materials, cuts and details of the silhouette customer is valued. And then we adopt a series of features that let you use the habit seguendo il gusto e lo stile di vita di chi lo indosserà. Ad esempio se l'abito è destinato ad un emiro userò una fodera leggera anti-caldo.