Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why Does My Sucker Fish Always Die

Etnoritmo - "Tondomondo" (CD – UDU WWWDTGA 035, Italia 2008)

In 2003, we excluded dall'abbecedario of "Folk Genetically Modified" because, in our humble opinion, he had nothing to folk. Today, as then, and several years after that its ambitious and ambiguous "Sitanafri" which aroused unanimous specialized magazines (including a glowing review for Sergio Palumbo from the pages - incredible to say - of "Folk Bulletin"!), Paul Farina returns with a new album presented as "an album of song writing, singing mostly in dialect, with arrangements that refer not only to ethnic music, especially Southern Italy, del nord Africa e dell'Oriente, ma anche al rock, al reggae, al blues ed all'elettronica" (intervista a Farina di Nicola Morisco, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, 30 aprile 2008).

Ascoltatelo con attenzione: a dispetto delle illustri collaborazioni (Tonino Zurlo, Faraualla, Pino Martini, Giancarlo Parisi, Enrico Capuano, Alessandro Mancuso) e l’uso di campionamenti (“autorizzati”...) DOC (Matteo Salvatore e Enzo del Re), il musicista barese, trapiantato da anni a Milano, imbastisce sonorità con filo scadente e idee risapute, vagolando confuso tra suggestioni etno-world e un desolante, arrendevole disco-pop radiofonico (Jovanotti docet?) nell’evidente tentativo to scratch the wall of self-distrust that keeps him on the fringes of the mainstream music scene (the ones that usually do not attend our heroes, in short).

The equation probably, on this occasion, that the disc is the 'last frontier of world music, "which is now a' free music 'from the constraints of gender that folk, blues, rock, reggae are just tools of the trade to be used casually in the composition of matter to sound "fun", "dancing", "tap your foot", as also prescribe an idea - holographic - popular culture ... All reviews legittime, ci mancherebbe, non fosse che alle nostre orecchie questa musica suona semplicemente brutta, per niente divertente, priva di interesse. A lunghi tratti irritante. Persino pretenziosa.

Brani come “Sto bene con te” (un reggae-pop insipido da abbronzatura estiva), “Sono malato” o “Cudd ca sent” (un occhieggiare insistito al Battisti/Mogol più deteriore), “Le montagne sono alte” (che scimmiotta l’Eugenio Bennato sanremese) – per dire di quelle che ci hanno 'impressionato' di più - siamo convinti facciano male alla musica, contrabbandando l'idea di un progetto di sintesi multiculturale che è solo superficiale, facade, and relies heavily on the conventions that have severely affected the production 'world' of recent years (especially in Italy): enough to involve ethnic music and sing in dialect and you're (in form, composition, harmony, registers. ..)!
saturating a sound space near collapse, as this album confuse most deprived mixing talents only honest musicians, a nonsense dialect poetry in Italian, with a textuality worthy of a newspaper in the country.

"From the Fall" ("Do it and by"), a misguided attempt to capture an effective poetic Daniele Sepe, becomes the paradigm of risks of a political vision on the flat indifference to contemporary bar (that "all politicians are the same "...): preceded by a sampling of Matteo Salvatore, poetic and metaphorical (he says:" The state has always been stranded on the shoals of Eboli, the state is a stone wolf, does not bite because they do not have teeth, but it is the wolf, and the poor southern sheep without a shepherd with problems of food they are afraid "), the text of flour condensation in a few words the most worn-out obviousness of the 'common sense':

"Get the most stupid and do
Mayor foul, foul
mayor for four years

Anche la goccia scava la roccia
scava la roccia, scava la roccia
in tanti anni

Dagli e dagli che si scassa
che si scassa, che si scassa
pure il metallo...”.

Altri testi, più a carattere intimista, descrivono un universo di spensieratezza ed happy hour a noi totalmente estraneo che conferma il carattere ambiguo del progetto, candidato ai palinsesti di Radio Capital o di Radio 105. Da “Sono malato”, ad esempio:

“Miami Beach che caldo che fa
a Miami Beach qui sulla spiaggia
under palm trees sipping my Cuba libre
are an adventure in a film in black and white.

are in Paris with a friend
that "Cherie," he says in a bistro
and together we are Anais and Henry
la vie en rose, en noir et blanc. "

Two questions to finish:
1. How could they allow the use of sampling Matteo Salvatore and Enzo on a disk like the King?
2. Why Paul Farina has sent this CD to us?

(A third - because some of more authors of 'folk genetically modified' active in Italy have felt compelled to collaborate on a similar project? - We will keep for us ...).

(August 9, 2008)

● The tracks on the disc :
1. "I'm fine with you"
2. "Je to stor'j Chess"
3. "I am sick"
4. "Cuddie ca sent"
5. "Fall from the"
6. "The mountains are high"
7. "Giuanni"
8. "Tjmp d c'ros"
9. "Nan c'stè"
10. "Southbound"

● Text and music: Paul Farina
● Art director and production executive: Paul Farina

Info cont acts to indiriizzi :
http : / / / etnoritmo


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