Monday, May 4, 2009

Sample Chicken Farm Business Plan

Renata Meazza Scaldaferri-Nicola (ed.) -" Heritage sound of Lombardy. Research Archives of Ethnography and Social History "(Book / CD / DVD - Squi [books], Italy 2008 - pp. 184, € 25.00)

Dedicated to the memory of Roberto Leydi, "Heritage sound of Lombardy," reconstructs the unique experience of the Archives of Ethnography and Social History, born in Milan in 1972 to boost the great musicologist, died in 2001 and directed for many years by Bruno Pianta.
The volume collects essays and testimonials from key players in research People (including, Susanna Mantovani, Italo Sordi, Guido Bertolotti), a CD with 42 pieces selected from the archive (of which the first thirty already own edited in 1972 on vinyl in what was the first ever collection of traditional materials Lombard), a DVD with footage of experience and traditions, and a collection of photographs of singers and craftsmen who made history in California (the sisters Bettinelli, Ernest Hall, the family ... Bregoli).

beyond the scope document, itself invaluable and essential (on the intelligent, very valuable work that he committed some years the publisher imbalances), the volume stands out as strumento di riflessione sul destino e, soprattutto, sulla condizione oggi della cultura popolare tradizionale, assumendo l’esperienza lombarda a paradigma della rappresentazione di un universo che, a prima vista, sembrerebbe tramontato per sempre.

Terra di mondine, di lavoro agricolo e di miniera, la Lombardia ha visto agire per decenni come studiosi, ricercatori, promotori personalità di assoluto rilievo quali Roberto Leydi, Gianni Bosio (originario di Acquanegra sul Chiese, in provincia di Mantova), Bruno Pianta, Italo Sordi e personalità straordinarie quali le Sorelle Bettinelli (di Ripalta Nuova), il Gruppo Padano di Piadena, I Giorni Cantati di Calvatone (Cremona), la famiglia Bregoli, il suonatore fife Ernesto Sala ... resulting in a laboratory culture of overtime (in the region to be, for example, Nuovo Canzoniere Italian ... always in Lombardy, the same promoter Mantovani, sing hard and realize the People's Almanac ... Group) in which - as well Bruno Pianta writes in the book - "next to an unexpected persistence of archaic repertoire, vocal and instrumental music in ritual practice, sacred and secular repertoire of tradition coexisted laborers and workers, public lists derived from the performances of singers from the square, repertoires of family members unsuspected richness and practice of oral communication still able to assimilate and "folklorisation" the songs of Sanremo, the smooth Casadei and even some of the catchiest songwriters "(p. 32).

In the book, including essays by timely historical reconstruction of the Archives of Milan and in-depth research on the subject (especially those of plant and exciting Sordi), an especially seems to take responsibility to look to the future, giving the reader a 'working hypothesis on popular materials from the school. The musicologist
Serena Facci, who co-curator of a recent excellent book on the experience of a laboratory of ethnomusicology in the School ("Torre de'Picenardi. A workshop of Ethnomusicology (2003-2004)" Nota 2007), nel saggio “Musica tradizionale della Lombardia a scuola: percorsi didattici” semplifica con alcune chiare proposte come il materiale popolare possa diventare strumento di conoscenza ed espressione nel contemporaneo: partendo da “ascolti ripetuti per la “ricerca del sound perduto””, finalizzata ad “abituarsi” a suoni che oggi non si ascoltano più, Facci suggerisce di utilizzare “i suoni e le musiche come chiave d’accesso a luoghi e storie”, contestualizzando i materiali nei luoghi precisi in cui sono stati raccolti (ad esempio la risaia) per arrivare a comparazioni con altre culture e tempi storici (soprattutto in chiave interculturale). Un’ultima opportunities, according to the researcher, can be represented from the closer "field research" through targeted meetings with witnesses in the world people (researchers, enthusiasts, musicians ...).

only trying to develop new opportunities for reinterpretation of the history and dynamics of the folk tradition gives you a sense of the obscure activities of the many men and women who, before us, have arranged times and places of existence inspired by the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity , participation, community, sharing that today seem to have gone into crisis.

For this reason, we recommend reading this important book especially to those members of the League Lombard who continue to believe the nonsense of Umberto Bossi and gets excited at the sight of pink or icon camuna Alberto da Giussano ...

(May 4, 2009)

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