Thursday, April 23, 2009

Real Life Supplementary Angles

AA.VV. - "The island shy. Forms of life that changes in Sicily (1970-2005)" (book with DVD - Squi [books], Italy 2008 - pp. 218, € 27.00)

A wonderful book of photographs to tell the last thirty-paradigm of an island in the evocative shots of the philosopher, photographer by vocation, Antonio Pennisi .
Images in black and white and color images that depict emotional impact with disruptive changes in people and places in the dialectic of opposing old and new lifestyles. From the social struggles of the seventies, the religious rites that are still assets of today, the many faces of older women and men who have turned, suffering, the earth. Immigrants who are now in Sicily, as poetic justice, a land of immigration ...

A symphony of portraits theme (work, religion, death, the cultural melting pot ...) that are provocative and poetry, sociological document, a small treatise on philosophy for ordinary people, pat / punch to the memory and vision that yesterday and today, in the ceaseless becoming of existence, is in danger of not being able to 'see' it is always the same face of the child taken to the streets for thirty years by Pennisi to this part? They are simply changing the material conditions of life of the Sicilians? Beyond any facileretorica, express the same joy, the same pain, the same indifference, the very presence - then as now - those faces, those bodies, those movements alluded? But 'what' Sicily is survived him?

Friday (Enna, 1977).
"This unusual project," Pennisi writes in the introduction, "has taken on a more precise form when reviewing the case for many of the photographs that are exhibited here, and I had made in the seventies and eighties, I ended up not recognize, so many details that were in the habit I had missed. I wanted to photograph the intensity of the eyes of a peasant during social struggles of the seventies, and now, "saw" for the first Once his clothes, his means of transportation, the tools used, the context which escapes the Horde "creative." (...) In this work we limited ourselves to contextuality of the people. All photos about people, and yet we speak of places that were thought to be so different from today, lights and landscapes inaccortamente ignored in practice, incipit, processes and roles of course hidden, as if only the compliance of the silver grain film would prove time and suddenly, after so many years. So we photographed the whole of Sicily for decades no longer exists: it is a chronicle of what may happen but we do not recognize with more 'natural evidence'. That natural evidence that our ways of being attributed today to new forms of life. But then we are sure that this is so? "(A. Pennisi, pp. 14-17).

Studenti e contadini (1973).
Integrano perfettamente, impreziosendola, questa imponente cartografia antropologica, sconfinato atto d'amore che si fa arte contemporanea, uno scritto ispirato di Maria Attanasio e, soprattutto, le musiche e i testi poetici dei Fratelli Mancuso , tra le più importanti espressioni del folk contemporaneo, nel DVD allegato.

(23 marzo 2009)


C'è cu nasci cu sfurtunati facci
facci chi lu tempu abbrutisci
di ummira morta
hannu 'na casa senza tettu e porta
'na strata curta dunni sulu passa
cu di dda via dumani nun ci ritorna.
Un ghiornu si armanu di coraggiu e di fidi
comu surdati di crita chi vannu a la guerra
e tra la fudda cercanu 'na donna
chi finalmenti leggiri capisci
lu pisu anticu di cu stranieru nasci.
A lu primu abbrazzu
si strincinu e salutanu
a lu secunnu si dicinu

Squilibri Srl.
viale dell'Università, 25
00185 Roma  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Axxium Where To Buy, Nc

Canzoniere Popularia-Piceno - "By land and to the sea "(CD - self, Italy 2009)

"This disc aims to tell a musical journey through land and sea. Earth as the shores of the Mediterranean that still have places where, fortunately, are living traditions that differ in many cultures of different ethnic groups that inhabit them.
Amid the sea: an ancient sea, always fluid element of cultural exchange, not divisive, as unfortunately some would have it to be and become. But this is not and hopefully will not be. Already
Ulysses crossed it, I traveled far and wide meeting witches, monsters, gods, always driven by a thirst for knowledge, comparison and desiderio di mettersi continuamente alla prova. Il suo mito è vivo ancora oggi, ci affascina al punto che l’abbiamo come guida in questo nostro viaggio musicale…

(…) Oltre Ulisse ci ha affascinato un’altra figura di uomo, viaggiatore anch’esso seppur dell’intelletto, che inseguì il sogno, ma anche il progetto, di guardare e conoscere la natura con curioso occhio da scienziato: Francesco Stabili, detto Cecco d’Ascoli, poeta che scrisse L’acerba, un’opera in versi in lingua volgare ascolana di divulgazione scientifica, e che a causa di questo fu bruciato sul rogo della Santa Inquisizione nel 1327.
(…) Vasto può essere il mare, ma esso non esprime mai desolazione e solitudine e non esiste mare che non possa essere attraversato. Dura può essere la terra, ma sempre in essa in qualche modo scaturirà la vita, anche di genti che prima o poi si incontreranno se sapranno viaggiare per terra e per mare”.

Questa la poetica del Canzoniere Piceno-Popularia, che torna a tre anni di distanza da “Viaggio in terza classe”, album autoprodotto secondo una storia e una politica che caratterizza il gruppo sin dalle sue origini (era il lontano 1975...).
Una poetica a rischio di retorica, a voler ben vedere, tanti sono stati in questi anni i lavori ispirati – non sempre con gusto e intelligenza - all’idea di un rapporto complesso come quello between the histories and cultures overlooking the Mediterranean, now as then and resource problem.

The song, however, while showing signs of more popular and jazz sounds (from the last album, not surprisingly, lack of organ, guitar swing and shawm) maintains the high quality of its proposal: a judicious mix of traditional and original songs (signed Argeo Polloni), the brilliant use of the vocal apparatus and the excellent text, the thirteen songs on the CD is a pleasant opportunity for fun and reflection: dall'incedere guitar initial "Lu Marene," the charming medley of " The 'nvidia / Riturnella "(opened and closed by the intertwining / overlap of voices that mimic the obsessive iteratività rosary), the invocation in Arabic of "Meu sidi Ibrahim" (my friend Ibrahim), each song reveals the passionate pursuit of a personal expressive language in the folk revival.

shadow of the scene of the most popular festivals and competitions, the song continues to proudly sing his voice from the pack.

(April 17, 2009)

tracks on the disc :
"Lu Marene" (B. Piacentino - A. Pollini, 4.13)
"Lu Viento is the barrel / s Reven sor father '" (trad . - A. Polloni, 2.06)
"a love you" (translation - A. Shoots, 3.43)
Meu sidi Ibrahim (kharjas) "(Al Quazzaz - A. Polloni, 2.06)
" The bitter "(A. Polloni, 4.30)
" Lu scijo '"(G. Vespasiani - A. Polloni)
"The 'nvidia / Riturnella" (translation - A. Polloni, 4.57)
"The appearance of the head of St. John "(G. Vespasiani - A. Polloni, 3.59)
" Sailor who do not know "(A. Polloni, 2.49)
" Ulysses "(A. Polloni, 2.49)
" The Trojan Horse "(A. Polloni, 3.00)
"Bbunazze of September / the fertune" (B. Piacentini - A. Polloni, 3.24)
"Trunte and Castella '" (translation - A. Polloni, 2.34)

Finished recorded in November 2008 at the warehouse Study of Ascoli Piceno
Arrangements by Pierpaolo Marini and Canzoniere Piceno-Popularia
Mixed by Luca Vittori Andrea at the warehouse Study of Ascoli Piceno
Cover: painting by Pino Procopio

- vocals, drums, tammorra, percussion
Giorgio Leonardi - vocals, acoustic guitar, swing guitar, buzouki, tank
Piero Marini - electric bass, electric guitar
Argeo Polloni - vocals, acoustic guitar, dulcimer, hurdy

● DISCOGRAPHY ( selection ) :
"The Pasquella" (CD / MC - self-cp 00700, 1991)
"Ulysses" (MC - self)
"Cecco Necromancer" (MC - self)
"The woman, Mary, pilgrims" (CD / MC - self)
"Make way for a musician lu" (CD - self-cp-600, 1996 )
"Voyage to the third class" (CD - Studio Fondaco CPP 00-700, 2006)

Phone: 3497960564
http://www.canzonierepiceno. it

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chennai Resorts Ecr Contact List

Ethnos -" O Bannu "(CD - Music Scaramuccia SCM 004-1, Italy 2009)

if only for a few drops of style, indeed incomprehensible, “O bannu” (il banditore) sarebbe uno dei migliori album di folk geneticamente modificato degli ultimi tempi. Basterebbe ascoltare l’iniziale “Polcabasilisca” e apprezzare il pregevole lavoro di ricomposizione della polka – qui accelerata, lasciata esplodere in una vertigine di suoni che collegano idealmente il passato (sepolto, ammuffito, vilipeso a dispetto dalle insane nostalgie dei presunti conservatori della tradizione) e il tempo dell’oggi (sfuggente, ‘liquido’, plurimo) ribadendo che la realtà non può che essere in divenire. Piaccia o non piaccia.

Graziano Accinni, ideatore del progetto Ethnos, chitarrista e compositore dai lunghi trascorsi in ambito pop, torna nella sua Basilicata e attraversa le macerie culturali di una terra che sembra rimasta al primo Dopoguerra, pur così affascinante nella sua dignitosa povertà contadina. Nei sedici pezzi che compongono questa rara topografia sonora ci sono reperti (rivisitati) della tradizione della Valle dell’Agri, in provincia di Potenza (canti devozionali, nenie, tarantelle, ballate), e suggestioni di nuova composizione che attingono sapientemente a tradizioni greche, marocchine, spagnole e portoghesi.
Un corpus compatto, retto da una sottesa logica convincente (l'idea di un unicum musicale del meridione d'Europa, cioè, che si alimenta attraverso il Mediterraneo), suonato da eccellenti musicisti di varia estrazione, enveloping sound with a soul, well balanced, never too ostentatious in their time of great virtuosity.

difficult to explain, why the sudden 'voltage drop' at the end of the album, the first involving a "Tarantella all'aviglianese" curls "O Bannu," "Flower re lu flowers and, above all," Sciucam, the arrangements more worthy of a party (in costume) by Pro Loco of a near-masterpiece, as they are drowned in a kitsch that sound puzzled.
pity ...
Better go back to listen, then, the sore "Crevu", supported by a beautiful harp acoustic guitar, or "Lucanae" glowing tarantella sounding full-bodied, full, in spite of the few employees (three guitars, bass and percussion). Or, the short instrumental "Antidotum", a crystalline compound three times evident on medieval styles.
O "Madonna del Sacro Monte", sang devotional from "old" Peter Leavy (from a field recording) that moves.

(April 15, 2009)

the album's songs:
1. "Polka basilica
2. "Crevu"
3. "Antidotum"
4. "Rusariu"
5. "Polka in marriage "
6. "Fly & Mena
7. "Lucanae"
8. "Madonna del Sacro Monte"
9. "Musa Mediterranean"
10. "Cirasieddu"
11. "Sona you want suna"
12. "O Bannu"
13. "Flower of flowers re lu"
14. "Sciucam"
15. "Tarantella all'Aviglianese"
16. "Devotional"

Written and directed by Graziano Accinni
Manufactured by Graziano Accinni and Ennio Rega
Recorded by Michele Peppe De Land Off the Study of Power and the CD & M Filiano (PZ) and Tiziano Cillis nell'underground Recording Studio Acerenza (PZ)

Graziano Accinni: acoustic guitar, classical and electric banjo, guitar synth
Franco Accimmi:
voice Marco Tirone: Silvio De Filippo
classical guitar: acoustic guitar
Sal Genovese: low
Gegè De Filippis: percussion
Sergio Leopardi: sax, clarinet
Peter Leavy (1914-2001): voice and shawm in "Lady of the Sacred Mountain" and "Devotional"
David Cervellino: flamenco guitar in "Musa Mediterranean "
David Sorrentino bottom:" Flower re lu floral
Peter Sucker: percussion on "Sciucam", "Musa Mediterranean," "Fly and leads", "Flower re lu flowers "," Crevu, "" Tarantella all'aviglianese "
Vincent D'Orsi: percussion on" Cisasieddu "
Antonio Cimino: flute in" Sciucam "," Fly & Mena
Enzo Valente, Angela Castelluccia, Angelo Loiacono : guitar swing Gargano and Cilento
De Michele Peppe at the bottom: "Antodotum"
Tiziano Cillis: choirs in "Rusariu", "Sciucam", "Fly & Mena

skirmish @ / gruppoethnos

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Place In Greece 2010

Francesco Benozzo -" terraqueous "(CD - Tutl SHD088, Danimarca 2009)

initially titled "Appennino Atlantic," the new album harpist poet Francesco Benozzo Emilia is a sophisticated catalog of traditional music revisited and new composition, which is essential in timbre (harp and voice only), evocative atmospheres, with an unusual choice that text, drawing from disparate sources (troubadour songs of 1100, contemporary poetry, popular song ...), also incorporates two northern Italian emigration songs like "La America" \u200b\u200band "The Ruvina, disclosing the concept Labour: A Reflection on the size of land and water that is above all a metaphor for the intimate space. Physical location of research, destruction, listening, in which forests, islands, wind, rocks, fire, sea ... are the cardinal points of a journey that is first internal, that is the soul.
Fanano as the Balkans, Salento such as Galicia, Bangor, which is the Val d'Enza - planisphere of the myth that you rebuild experiencing this ...

"long valley, valleys forged
below the ridge
erratic static I hear the hum of the blood under the skin

(from "Onirico geological")

"I follow the call
subtle than many years ago
fatto di terre vicine
di boschi, di brine
di fumo nei bar"

(da "Notte a Trignano")

Con una grazia e un gusto davvero rari nel panorama del tradizionale, Benozzo realizza l’incontro tra culture e storie con un equilibrio che ha del miracoloso, approfondendo quanto di convincente aveva già proposto, qualche anno fa, con il bellissimo “In 'tla piöla”.
È arte del sottrarre, questa, lieve come l’aria dell’Appennino in autunno. Senza risultare stucchevole come certa famigerata new age è forma alternativa dell’espressione, anima che si fa materia sonora impalpabile.

Ad accompagnare Benozzo in sei brani la bella voce ‘popolare’ di Maddalena Scagnelli dei piacentini Enerbia ( e, nella conclusiva bonus track, la cantante irlandese Willie Mahon.

(2 aprile 2009)

1. “Continente libero” (4.42)
2. “La ruvina” (3.04)
3. “L’Appennino” (5.14)
4. “Gondomar” (1.47)
5. “Marturèla” (3.04)
6. “Isola e luna” (3.46)
7. “Mediòch” (3.25)
8. “Notte a Frignano” (3.20)
9. “La Merica” (4.42)
10. “Moelvci” (1.03)
11. “Onirico geologico” (4.08)
12. “L’avvelenato di Riolunato” (4.13)
13. “Romanelle” (2.20)
14. “Canto del continente” (3.15)
15. “Pradarena” (1.35)
“Táimse in arrears” (bonus track) (1.56)

Produced and arranged by Francesco Benozzo
Recorded at Studio Slide Vignola (Modena) in November and December 2008. Engineer Alberto Callegari.
Bonus tracks recorded in December 2002 all'Eoin Aoife & Systems of Aberystwyth (Wales

Francesco Benozzo: Celtic harp, harp bardic singing
Maddalena Scagnelli: song
Willie Mahon: singing "Táimse in arrears"

"Carte di mare" (con Matteo Meschiari) - Music On MO-005, 2000
"In 'tla piöla" - Sain Records SCD2278, 2001
"Llyfr Taliesin" - Frame Events FE2004/1, 2004
"Arpa celtica" - Fondazione Campostrini FC-AS002, 2005 ( dal vivo )