Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Are The Thesis Statement On Abortion


chapa abruzzofinallll Prende il via, con l’arrivo il prossimo 23 novembre nella Cittá andina di San Cristobal, nello Stato Táchira, la Seconda SETTIMANA ABRUZZESE.

La rassegna si svolgerá nell’accogliente Centro Italo´-Venezuelano, sito su una collina dalla quale si puó godere di uno stupendo panorama.

Una manifestazione che vuole servire da "trait d’union" tra i corregionali in Venezuela con gli italiani e venezuelani residenti nel Paese, about friendship and dell'abruzzesitá. The program includes moments

socio-cultural, gastronomic and folkloric, guided tours of the city and the most picturesque towns in the area, the Assembly (the latest year 2010) of the Associations that make up the Federation and will culminate on Saturday 27 at 8:00 pm in the hall of the Centre Leonardo Da Vinci Italo Andes, with the election of ABRUZZO IN MISS VENEZUELA 2010.

Building on the success achieved last year in Caracas, the beauty contest among the ten representatives of the Associations Abruzzi returns with greater prestige and importance.

For the occasion, in fact, will present the highest authorities of Táchira State, the Governor Cesar Perez Vivas, the Mayor of San Cristóbal originally from Abruzzo, Monica de Mendez, consular representatives of different nations, the ecclesiastical, military and Andean University, as well as the highest representatives of the Italian State in Venezuela, the presidents of Regional Associations in the area (Veneto, Tuscany, Puglia, Campania, Fogolar Furlan, Marche, Abruzzo, Sicily). They will also present the three representatives of the CRAM, Maria Gabriella Marcacci, Mirtha D'Astolfo and Johnnny Margiotta. From Abruzzo reach the products offered by dociari Nurzia Brothers, with the famous nougat and macaroons, and dinner will be watered thoroughly from Montepulciano D'Abruzzo Wine Cellars Brotherhood of Nestor of Nocciano.

the Miss ABRUZZO was born with the intention of involving young people in realizing associative events of interest to them. Will be ten girls who will open the event with un'opening together with a professional dance troupe, will be presented later with the traditional clothing of Abruzzo, will parade in swimwear and finally in gala dress.

A full program for a show of great relevance, particularly for younger candidates. During the evening, some participants in the 2009 Miss Abruzzo take their testimony on visita in Abruzzo, lo scorso settembre, ospiti del Consiglio Regionale e del Presidente Nazario Pagano, per un viaggio studio indimenticabile. La Federazione spera che anche l’anno prossimo si possa ripetere l’esperienza per queste nuove fanciulle, affinché conoscano da vicino la loro terra d’origine e ne diffondano le sue bellezze e la sua cultura.

miss abruzzio

Germana Pieri, L’ITALO, Maracaibo

Monday, November 15, 2010

Filmes Italianos De Incesto Gratis


image Científicos de trece países, entre ellos España, han firmado un consenso internacional sobre los carbohidratos y los beneficios que aportan para la salud, con el que quieren poner el acento en not fat nor are responsible for obesity.

This pact, signed earlier this month in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) under the Fourth World Pasta Congress, has been driven by the U.S. organization Oldways, author in 1993, together with the World Health Organization in the famous Food Guide Pyramid.

The professor of physiology at the University of Murcia Marta Garaulet, the English representative in this international group, which includes researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Canada, USA, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Turkey and Venezuela, has stressed that these micronutrients are not behind the alarming rise in obesity and that excess calories which pushes up the scale.

Garaulet said that at this time when obesity and diabetes are increasing worldwide, not just in developed Western countries, pasta and other foods of low glycemic index can help control blood sugar levels blood and weight, and explained that very low carbohydrate diets are not healthy, especially in the long term.

This professor, Doctor of Pharmacy and Master in Public Health from Harvard University, and directs a research project of the Ministry of Education chronobiology and obesity, said that high-fat diet, those considered "miracle" with the high protein, have adverse effects on blood vessels, which are not reflected in plasma markers, decreased cognitive ability, causing imbalances in minerals and are behind other minor effects such as halitosis, hair loss and headaches.

Garaulet added that, as evidenced in this World Congress, has been shown that after a long-term dietary intervention with the same calorie menus and different proportions of nutrients, three types of monitoring gave rise to weight loss similar, irrespective de las proporciones de nutrientes.

Sin embargo, según esta investigadora, a pesar de presentar pérdidas de peso semejantes, el porcentaje de abandono de las dietas hiperproteicas se sitúa en el 75%; el de las hipergrasas, en cerca del 50%, y en menos del 40% en quienes siguieron una dieta equilibrada.

“Si tenemos en cuenta que el individuo debe aprender a comer para mantener el peso deseado durante toda la vida, la mejor dieta del mundo no sirve de nada si no se puede seguir a largo plazo”, defiende esta profesora.

Asimismo, ha alertado de que se está poniendo de moda etiquetar ciertos alimentos con el indicativo “bajo en carbohidratos”, y ha dicho que lo más Surprisingly, not only happens in countries like USA, Canada, Spain or Portugal, where about 47% of women say they are constantly on a diet, but in other places on earth where most of the population goes hungry.

On the coexistence of hunger, malnutrition and obesity, Marta Garaulet explained that in Colombia, Chile and Argentina may coincide in the same family obese mothers and children malnourished, hungry and are obese, so that she should stop talking about undernutrition and overnutrition to go to called "malnutrition" to what is happening.

has ensured that this astonishing situation only alcanza comiendo la llamada ‘fast food’ de elevada densidad calórica y muy baja densidad en nutrientes, y ha puesto como ejemplo que un niño puede estar obeso, y pasar hambre, con el consumo de dos litros de refresco al día y una bolsa de patatas fritas como único alimento.

“La dieta se ha de entender como un todo, y se ha de comer una variedad de carbohidratos, grasas y proteínas saludables”, ha concluido Garaulet, quien afirma que “en contra de lo esperado, comer sano, según demuestran los estudios económicos, es todavía más barato que comer insano”.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Free Plans To Build A 2 Seater Sandrail



La Asociación de Jóvenes Italo Venezolanos (AGIV) se une al dolor de la familia Colasante, en representación de los 13 jovenes que viajamos a Italia a la "Conferencia Mundial Giovani Italiani Nel Mondo" con Giancarlo y que en muchas oportunidades, en reuniones y encuentros juveniles nacionales en pro de la fundación de AGIV tuvimos la dicha de conocerlo y compartir con el, queremos hacerles llegar nuestro sentir y profunda tristeza a su familia y personas cercanas. Giancarlo, al igual que muchas otras personas, pertenecientes a la Comunidad Italiana en Venezuela, ha sido víctima del hampa en nuestro País, y por consecuencia lo hemos perdido. Confiemos en la justicia divina y en el tiempo perfecto de Dios, un mensaje de esperanza y fé en el recuentro eterno entre Giancarlo y las personas que sienten su ausencia.


Junta Directiva AGIV